Chapter 18: Going Back Part 2

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Andros and Ashley had Hayden on the ship already while they were saying goodbye to everyone. "Thank you for everything, Kim," Ashley told her. Kimberly hugged her.

"You just take care of yourself, Ash," Kimberly answered.

Ashley nodded and she let out a sigh once she looked over at Andros. "Ready?" He asked. Ashley nodded her head slowly as they walked onto the Megaship.

They walked onto the bridge and Ashley sat at her old station. "DECA, set a course for KO-35," he instructed.

"Acknowledged," DECA answered.

Ashley let out a sigh and looked over to see Hayden playing with some of the toys he brought with him to play with while they were traveling to KO-35. "You okay?" He asked. She nodded her head slowly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied.

Andros sat next to her and held her hand. He kissed the top of her hand with a small smile. "You and me forever now," he told her. She nodded with a smile.

"Forever," she agreed.

She placed her head on his shoulder and slowly fell asleep. Andros kissed the top of her head and watched as Hayden played with his toys, not a care in the universe. He wrapped his arm around Ashley and let out a sigh. "Perfect," he murmured.


Andros walked off the platform first and smiled to see his parents, Karone, and Zhane there to greet him. "Hey guys," he greeted. Karone ran up and hugged him tight. Andros hugged her back and lifted her off the ground. "What are you doing back on KO-35?" He asked.

"Heard my big brother got married. I want to be here," she replied.

Andros kissed her cheek before he embraced Aldarico and Katrina. "Welcome home," Katrina told him. Andros smiled and he stood in front of Zhane. They did their handshake again and Zhane smiled.

"Welcome home, Andros," Zhane agreed.

Andros nodded and looked up to see Ashley and Hayden standing there. He gestured for Hayden to come over and the little boy ran over to him. Andros picked him up and he looked at the others. "Guys, this is my son, Hayden," he informed. Katrina stood in front of Hayden with tear-filled eyes.

"Hi, Hayden, I'm your Grandma Katrina," she told him.

Hayden looked at Katrina and then at Andros. Andros nodded with a smile. Hayden went from Andros's arms to Katrina's arms. Katrina hugged her grandson tight with tears falling down her face. Karone smiled as she looked at her nephew for the first time. Ashley stood next to Andros. Andros wrapped his arm around Ashley's waist. "Mom, dad, this is Ashley," he informed. Katrina handed Hayden to Karone and she stood in front of Ashley.

"So, you're the young lady that captured my son's heart?" She asked.

Ashley bit her lip and she nodded her head slowly. "That would be me," she replied. Katrina smiled as she placed her hands on Ashley's face.

"Welcome to KO-35, sweetie," Katrina greeted.

Ashley smiled as she hugged Katrina. Aldarico smiled as he greeted Ashley and he looked at Andros. "She's a treasure, Andros," he commented.

"You don't have to tell me that," Andros answered.

"Well, look who's returned," a voice commented.

Andros suddenly felt sick to his stomach. Ashley saw her husband's face grow very pale. They looked up to see Larissa standing there. "Hello, Larissa," Andros greeted through his teeth. Larissa smiled and she walked over to Andros.

"I was wondering when you were coming home," she commented.

Andros backed up when she tried to get close to him. Hayden wriggled out of Karone's arms and he ran over to Larissa. "Leave my daddy alone," he told her. Larissa gave Hayden a quizzical look. Andros picked Hayden up and had him sitting on his hip.

"Daddy?" She asked.

"Did he stutter?" Karone asked.

Larissa glared at Karone and she looked at Andros. "This can't be Andros's son, he's too old," she objected. Ashley took a step forward.

"That's why it's called "teen pregnancy". You must be Larissa. I'm Ashley," she informed.

Larissa's eyes widened in shock. "You brought that tramp here?" She demanded. Andros handed Hayden over to Ashley and he walked over to Larissa. He stood dangerously close to her.

"Never insult Ashley in front of me," he repeated.

Larissa glared at him. "You were supposed to be mine," she hissed. Andros glared right back at her.

"Change of plans, dear," he sneered.

Larissa reeled back and smacked him. Ashley set Hayden down and she walked over to Larissa. "Get out," she hissed.

"You don't tell me what to do," Larissa snapped.

"I'm telling you to stay away from my family," Ashley ordered.

Larissa went to hit Ashley too when Ashley grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm behind her back. "You stay away from Andros and the rest of our family. I can report you for harassment," she hissed. Larissa laughed.

"You have no idea who I am," she laughed.

Larissa pulled her arm from Ashley's grasp. "My father is very noble and he can get you banished from this planet," she snapped.

"No, the only person who can ban anyone from the planet is someone higher above the noble branch," Zhane put in.

Andros glared at her. "That would be Zhane and me," Andros informed.

"The only reason we can't banish you is because of your father," Zhane agreed.

Larissa glared at them. "I will get you for this," she hissed. Then she turned and walked away.

That night, Andros was sitting on the couch when Ashley sat next to him. "Ouch, she really did a number on your face," she commented. The smack actually formed into a small bruise on his face.

"It's fine, Ash, don't fuss over it," he insisted.

"So, that's the infamous Larissa?" She asked.

"Yeah, remember? She was the one who showed up at my apartment when you were here."

"Oh yeah!"

Andros chuckled. Ashley giggled as she started playing with his hair. "You know, your parents have Hayden tonight," she commented.

"Oh yeah?" He asked.

"Yeah...and we've only been married for what a few hours?" She answered with another question.

Ashley laughed when he picked her up. "I believe so," he replied. Andros carried Ashley to their room. He closed the door and used his telekinesis to lock it so in the morning, Hayden wouldn't open the door.

Andros set Ashley on the bed and in only mere seconds, he was on her, kissing her deeply. Ashley wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back.

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