Chapter 10: Incomplete Mission

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Almost two years have passed since Andros had last seen Ashley. He still wondered if she was okay. He was still searching for her, he never stopped. Even though his father didn't want Andros to go through so much pain.

Andros walked into his office to find his mother, Katrina, sitting on the desk. "Mother?" He asked. Katrina looked up from the picture she was holding. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I came to talk to you, Andros," she replied.

Andros gave her a quizzical look and he sat down at his desk. Katrina set a picture down in front of Andros. "This is your father and me, twenty-one years ago," she informed. Andros looked at the picture in disbelief. "Your father and I had eloped because his parents had forbid us to be together," she added. Andros looked at her.

"What does this have to do with me?" He asked.

Katrina got up from her spot on the desk and she stood in front of her son. "Sweetheart, you don't know what kind of things happened to your father and me since then. We were from two different worlds, just like you and Ashley. We weren't much older than you and Ashley either," she added.

"Again I repeat what does this have to do with me?" He asked.

Katrina placed her hands on his face. "This does everything with you. We are scared for your life, Andros. You have been in danger the moment you were born," she replied. Andros looked at her quizzically. "You were born on Earth, Andros," she informed.

"But..." he trailed off.

"Your father had a duty that he had to finish here on KO-35. When you were four-months-old we brought you here," she informed.

Katrina sighed as she leaned back against the desk.


Katrina was holding her four-month-old son when they came off the ship. People were staring, many people were staring. "Half-Karovan," someone whispered. Katrina knew they were talking about her son. She held him close to her chest and she looked at Aldarico. Aldarico wrapped his arm tightly around her shoulders.

"He'll be fine," he assured her.

Katrina bit her bottom lip and she looked down at her son to see him fast asleep against her. "Come on," He murmured.

(End Flashback)

Katrina opened her eyes and she looked at Andros. "You were only a baby. People wanted to hurt you and you were only four months old. Only an infant and your life was already in danger," she explained. Andros was in shock. "They insulted you, Andros, but we had to stay here," she added.

"Mother..." he trailed off.

"We don't want you to go through the torture that your father and I did. We want you to be happy and safe."

Andros shook his head. "I can't live without Ashley, mother," he answered. Katrina nodded her head slowly and she touched his face.

"I know..." she said slowly.

Andros felt his heart ache as he thought about Ashley. "Everyday I think I'm dying. Every morning I wake up without Ashley beside me and I think there's nothing for me to live for. Nothing, Ashley's..." he trailed off.

"Andros, you have something to live for," she answered.

"No I don't."

Andros got up from his chair and he left the office.

Andros found himself in the park and he sat down on the grass. He lowered his head and felt a lump rise in his throat. He closed his eyes and lowered his head.


Andros was sitting in the park looking out at the lake, deep in thought. He had a lot on his mind and his hands were shaking slightly. "Andros?" Ashley asked. Andros looked up and stood up when Ashley walked over to him. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Define okay?" He asked with a small smile.

Ashley laughed and pushed him. "You scared me, I thought something was really wrong with you," she scolded. Andros laughed and shook his head. "Cassie said you wanted to meet me out here for something?" She asked. Andros nodded his head slowly.

"I wanted to do this right. I know about your little fantasy," he commented.

Ashley gave him a quizzical look. Andros got down on one knee in front of her, held her hands in his, and he looked up into her beautiful brown eyes. "I don't have a ring, but I will get one, but for now this will do. Ashley...I love you...will you be my wife?" He asked. Ashley felt the tears pressing against her eyes and she nodded.

"Yes," she replied.

Andros stood up and hugged her tight, lifting her off the ground a bit. "I love you," she told him. Andros kissed the side of her head.

"I love you too," he answered.

(End Flasback)

Andros reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring he promised Ashley. He stared at the ring inside and he took the ring out of the box, staring at it. He had it made just for her, there was no way he was going to give up on his and Ashley's relationship so easily. He got this far to get her, he was going to go all the way until the day he died. Andros got up from the ground and walked over to the command center.

Larissa was walking around the base when she saw Andros enter the control room. She stood by the door and listened in. "Computer, scan Earth for Ashley Hammond's signal," he instructed.

"Acknowledged," the computer answered.

Andros kept working. Larissa listened in closely and saw a picture of Ashley sitting on the screen while the computer was searching for her. "I will never stop searching until she's back in my arms, computer," he informed. Larissa sneered and she stormed off, leaving Andros to his work, his private mission to find Ashley.

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