Chapter 17: Going Back Part 1

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Andros was on Earth for a month in a half. He was having the time of his life. He loved being with Ashley and Hayden. However, he knew that soon he had to go back to KO-35, because he needed to get back to work.

One morning, Andros and Ashley were able to sleep in when his com link went off. "What is that?" Ashley yawned. Andros let Ashley go and sat up, holding up his com-link.

"Andros," he answered.

His father's face appeared on the screen. "Andros, you have to come back," he informed. Andros pushed his hair out of his face.

"Why?" Andros asked.
"You are needed back here. Leron and Larissa will start to think something is up," he replied.

Andros got out of bed. "I'm coming back later this afternoon then. But I have something to do first," Andros answered.

"What's that, son?" Aldarico asked.

Andros glanced over at Ashley. "I'm going to marry Ashley first," he replied. Aldarico chuckled on his end.

"Take your time," he assured him.

Andros nodded his head slowly. "Ashley and I will get married here on Earth and then she and I will get married on KO-35," he informed.

"Sounds like a plan," Aldarico agreed.

Andros nodded and he hung up. Ashley got out of bed in disbelief. "We're getting married today?" She asked. Andros smiled and nodded.

"I mean since the others are coming today. I'd take this chance," he replied.

Before Andros could react, Ashley jumped on him. He stumbled back a few steps, but he hugged her back. "I'd that that as a yes," he commented. Ashley pulled back and she smiled at him.

"Whatever gave you that idea?" She asked.

Andros smiled and she pulled him into a kiss. He kissed her back, but pulled back when he heard the door open. "Mommy, daddy, I'm hungry," Hayden told them. Ashley smiled and she walked over to Hayden.

"Sweetie, mommy and daddy have something to tell you," Ashley informed.

"What? What?" Hayden asked excitedly.

Andros picked Hayden up and set him on the dresser. "Mommy and daddy are getting married today," he informed. Hayden smiled and he hugged Andros tight.

"YAY!" He shouted.

Ashley smiled and wrapped her arms around herself. Andros chuckled and he kissed the side of his son's head.

That afternoon, Ashley, Cassie, and Kimberly were sitting in Ashley's old room at Kimberly's house. Ashley sighed as Kimberly zipped up her dress. "You okay?" She asked.

"A little nervous," she replied.

Kimberly nodded and a smile came across her face. "I've never seen you this happy before," she commented.

"I think she has that right," Cassie answered.

Ashley smiled and she looked at herself in the mirror. "So, when are you and Tommy leaving?" Ashley asked sadly. Kimberly picked Trini up and had her sitting on her hip.

"In a few weeks. Tommy wants to get started on his new job," Kimberly replied.

"That's right, I almost forgot. He's working for Mercer isn't he?" Ashley asked.


Ashley smiled and Kimberly put the tiara on her head. "I'm a little scared too," Ashley confessed.

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