Chapter 22: A New Addition

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The months went by and everyone was excited for Andros and Ashley's new baby. Even little Hayden was trying to help out the best he could. Being only four there wasn't much he could do. But when Andros had the crib built, Ashley found Hayden putting his old toys in the crib. "What are you doing, sweetie?" She asked. Hayden smiled.

"The baby needs toys mama," he replied.

Ashley smiled and sat in the rocking chair. "Where's daddy?" Hayden asked. Ashley smiled and rubbed her stomach.

"Daddy should be home soon," she replied.

Not even two minutes after she said that, they heard the door open. "Ashley, Hayden," he called.

"Up here, I don't feel like getting up," Ashley answered.

Andros walked upstairs and picked Hayden up. "Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked. Ashley sighed and started rocking back and forth a bit.

"I'm tired, my feet hurt, and my back hurts, how do you think I feel?" She answered with another question.

Andros kissed her forehead. "And I'm fat," she muttered.

"No you're pregnant," he answered.

Ashley sighed and she rubbed her stomach. "I really hate you right now," she commented. Andros rolled his eyes, he was used to comments like this.

"Come on, Hayden, time for bed," he informed.

"Aw," Hayden whined.

Andros laughed as he picked Hayden up and placed him on his shoulder. "Okay, say night to mommy," he informed.

"Night mommy," Hayden answered.

Ashley kissed his cheek. "Night Hayden," she told him. Andros took Hayden to his room. Ashley sighed as she tried to get up, but her stomach was giving her trouble. "Andros," she called. Andros came in and saw his wife struggling to stand up. "I really don't remember being pregnant with Hayden being this hard," she muttered. Andros smiled slightly and they walked to their room.

They got ready for bed and Andros held Ashley to him as they fell asleep.

(2:34 am)

Ashley felt a twinge of pain go through her stomach, but she tried to ignore it. But then it came again only harder. She sat up with a gasp. "Andros!" She gasped. Andros sat up when he felt her jerk away.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Andros, I'm having contractions."

"You sure?"

"No I said it just psych you out. Yes I'm sure!"

Andros got up and he called Karone to have her come over and watch Hayden like she said she would.


Ashley winced in pain when another strong contraction hit. Andros winced when her grip on his hand tightened. "I really hate you right now," she hissed. Andros winced again and let out a small sigh when the contraction passed.

"Now I wonder why they asked if I wanted to come here," he muttered.

Ashley glared at him. "Excuse me. But I didn't get pregnant on my own," she snapped. Andros sighed and sat down in the chair by her bed. "You did this to me," she added.

"Weren't complaining that night though," he answered.

"I'd hit you right now, but I'm in too much pain."

Andros sighed and stood up. "Lean forward," he told her. Ashley gave him a quizzical look. "Just trust me," he assured her. Ashley sighed and she leaned forward. Andros sat behind her and had her lean back against him. Andros rubbed her shoulders to try to get her to relax. "It'll be over soon," he assured her. Ashley tilted her head back and let out a small sigh. He ran his hands up and down her arms and he kissed the side of her head. Ashley was able to relax and he held her hands. "I'm here for you, Ash," he murmured. Ashley nodded, knowing that he wasn't going to leave her ever again.

(Hours Later)

"It's a boy," the doctor announced. Ashley felt tears press against her eyes and she looked up at Andros who was standing by her side again. Andros gave her a tired smile and he hugged her. Ashley hugged him back and buried her head into his shoulder.

"I love you," he murmured.

Ashley smiled and she let out a small sob. "I love you too," she answered. They pulled back as the doctor walked over to them with their son in his arms.

"Here he is," he informed.

Andros helped Ashley sit up and she held their newborn son. He smiled as he held his son's tiny hand. "He's so small," he murmured.

"Should've seen Hayden the day he was born," she answered.

Andros sighed as he sat on the edge of the bed and Ashley handed the baby to him. "He needs a name," the doctor commented. Andros looked at Ashley.

"What do you want to name him?" He asked.

Ashley caressed the baby's face. "Christopher...Christopher Lee Karovan," she replied. Andros nodded with a smile.

"Christopher," he agreed.

Ashley was moved to another room a little while later.

That night, Andros had set baby Christopher into his crib by Ashley's hospital. He then laid down next to his sleeping wife and held her close to him as he fell asleep.

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