Chapter 7: Pain

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Ashley sighed as she walked around Kimberly's house with a hand on her stomach. She smiled when she felt the baby kick. "Soon," she whispered. She sat down in the rocking chair and rubbed her stomach. She found herself humming again and she felt the baby kick some more. "You're feisty today," she commented. Ashley smiled and tilted her head back. "Andros..." she whispered.

She still thought about him, he haunted her in her dreams. She could still feel him and it scared her. Andros was the only man that made her feel the way she did when they were together. The night they first made love, she had lost her virginity to him and she never regretted it. Sure she was told to wait till marriage, but she was also told to save it for someone she cared for the most. Andros was just that person. He was so gentle with her that it surprised her. Every night before going to sleep, she would stay up and think about that night. It was the perfect night, he was the perfect guy. Ashley loved him past her heart, mind, and body. She loved him deep down in her soul. A kind of love that only few people get to experience ever. She was only lucky to be able to experience that wonderful feeling. That beautiful love that she wished she could have back.

Ashley felt a lump rise in her throat as she thought about the day she left KO-35, that was what she regretted, leaving him. She longed to just go to NASADA and to go back to KO-35 to be with him. She longed for his touch, his kiss, and his love. She wanted him to be there the day she gave birth to their baby. She wanted him to be there for their baby to grow up and make a difference in the universe. Ashley just wanted Andros there with her. She was madly in love with him, she wouldn't deny that even if she tried. She could never deny her feelings for the Karovan, who captured her heart the day they met. She was carrying his baby and it broke her heart that he wouldn't answer her messages.

Ashley slowly got up from the rocking chair to get something to drink. She walked into the kitchen and pulled out a bottled water from the fridge. She took a drink and she looked out the window. Ashley turned to leave the kitchen when she froze. The water fell from her hand and hit the floor, water spilling all over the floor. "Oh God..." she whispered. She held onto the counter and winced in pain. "That was a contraction," she hissed. She bit her lip and looked over to see the phone sitting beside her. She grabbed it and dialed Kimberly's number.

"Hello?" Kimberly answered.

" need to get back here," Ashley informed.

"Is everything okay?"

"My water broke and I'm having contractions."

"Just stay calm sweetie I'm on my way there."


They hung up and Ashley held her stomach. A tear fell down her face as she tried to at least walk, but it hurt too much. She tried practicing her breathing and she did at least make it to the living room. "Okay, I can do this. I've been through worse," she commented to herself. She cried out when another contraction hit. "Okay, I was wrong," she muttered.

Five minutes later, Kimberly was home. "Ashley?" She called.

"I'm in here," Ashley answered.

Kimberly came in and saw her cousin trying to stand up from the couch. "How far are the contractions?" She asked. Ashley winced before she could answer her.

"About every two-three minutes," Ashley replied.

"We're getting you to the hospital."

Ashley nodded and Kimberly helped her out of the house.

(Miami Memorial)

Ashley let out a sigh as she laid back in the hospital bed with a hand on her stomach. "Doctor says you're doing great," Kimberly commented. Ashley stared at the ceiling.

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