Chapter 23: The Heart Won't Lie

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"Then what happened mommy?" A little girl asked. Her mother laughed as she had her four-year-old daughter sit back down on the bed.

"They lived happily ever after, Alana," she replied.

The girl smiled. Her mother laughed slightly as she let out a yawn. "Mommy, can you sing the song?" Alana yawned. Her mother kissed her forehead and stroked her lightly blonde streaked hair.

"Okay, then you go to sleep," she instructed.

Alana nodded her head with a smile on her face. "Get under the covers, little monster," she told her. The little giggled and Ashley pulled the blankets around her little girl. She started singing "La Mer" like she had with all her kids. She watched as her daughter went to sleep with her teddy bear in her arms. She stroked Alana's face and kissed her forehead. "Sweet dreams, sweetheart," she whispered. She stood up from Alana's bed and she left the room.

Andros was working on some paperwork when Ashley wrapped her arms around him. "Hey," she murmured. Andros sat back with a smile.

"Alana asleep?" He asked.

"Yep," she replied.

She pressed her forehead against his with a smile. He smiled back and pulled her into his lap. "Surprised she wasn't tired after Zhane and Karone's wedding," she commented. Andros laughed slightly.

"She has your energy," he answered.

Ashley gave him a slight glare and then she straddled his lap. Andros laughed. "Well, I could get used to this," he commented. She laughed and he stroked her face.

"You are not going to work tomorrow," she informed.

"Oh? And why is that?" He asked.

"You know why and don't you dare pretend that you don't."



Andros laughed at the pout on her face and he pulled her down so their faces weren't that far apart. "Of course I know. Six years ago I made you mine forever," he answered. Ashley smiled and Andros pulled her into a kiss. Then she kissed him deeply. Andros kissed her back and pushed her back against his desk. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down slightly and then she heard the door to his office closed. She pulled back and she smiled at him.

"Eager aren't we?" She asked.

"Always around you."

Ashley laughed and then he kissed her again.

(Nine Months Later)

Ashley was sitting up in bed with a pink bundle in her arms. She looked up when the door opened and Andros came in. "Someone came to see you," he informed. Hayden, Christopher, and Alana came in. They got on the bed and Ashley pulled the blanket from the baby's face.

"This is your new baby sister, Chyler," she informed.

Chyler let out her usual baby sounds and her tiny hand came up from the folds of the blanket. "She's funny looking," Alana commented. Andros laughed slightly.

"She's only twenty minutes old," Ashley answered.

"Mommy are you feeling better now?" Christopher asked.

Ashley smiled and she touched her son's face. "Mommy's feeling much better," she replied. Andros swallowed a small laugh and cleared his throat. "Okay guys, what do you think? Can we bring her home with us?" Ashley asked.

"Will you if we said no?" Hayden asked.

"Yes," Andros replied.

Andros looked outside the door. "Okay, guys, Aunt Karone's here to get you," he informed. The kids groaned, but then they kissed Ashley goodnight before they left the hospital. Andros walked over and sat next to Ashley on the bed. "You did great," he told her. Ashley smiled and she saw the bruise on his hand.

"Oh my gosh! Did I do that?" She asked.

"Unfortunately," he replied.

"I'm sorry."

"Hey, at least this time I wasn't bleeding."

"I'm still sorry about that one."

Andros sighed and he looked at Chyler. "Hey sweetie, wanna say hi to daddy?" She asked. Andros smiled as Ashley placed the baby into his arms. Andros took Chyler into his arms and a smile came across his face. Chyler opened her eyes and she gurgled when she saw her daddy. "Guess she's daddy's girl," she commented. Andros smiled and he kissed her forehead. Andros looked at Ashley.

"I love you," he murmured.

Ashley smiled. "I love you too," she answered. Andros then gave her a kiss.

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