Chapter 3: Can't be Happening

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Ashley came downstairs when the smell of her mother's breakfast suddenly made her stomach spin. "Morning Ashley sweetheart," Caroline greeted. Ashley held her stomach and pushed the nausea back.

"Morning, mom," Ashley answered.

Her stomach tightened up when she saw the pancakes, bacon, and eggs. "Ashley, are you okay honey?" Caroline asked.

"I'm fine, I'm just not feeling so well," Ashley replied.

Caroline touched Ashley's forehead. "You're a bit warm," she commented. Ashley sat down. "Maybe you should try eating something," she suggested.

"I just want dry toast," Ashley answered.

She took some toast and she carefully ate, but then she suddenly felt ill all over again. "Oh God!" She gasped. She got up from the table and ran into the nearest bathroom.

"Maybe I should..." Caroline cut Greg off.

"I'll check on her."

Caroline walked over to the bathroom. "Ashley, sweetheart, are you okay?" She asked. She opened the door slightly to find Ashley laying on the floor. "Did you eat something weird last night?" Caroline asked. She kneeled beside Ashley and stroked her hair.

"I feel awful, mom, I feel just plain awful," Ashley replied.

Caroline sighed. "Did this just start?" She asked. Ashley shook her head slightly.

"No, a few days ago. Constantly in the morning," Ashley replied.

Caroline stalled. "Only in the mornings?" She asked. Ashley nodded.

"Uh huh," Ashley replied.

Caroline then suddenly felt sick too. "Mom?" Ashley asked. Caroline stood up.

"Ashley, have you been having sex?" She asked.

Ashley sat up and looked at her mother. "Excuse me?" She asked.

"Don't lie to me, have you been having sex?" She asked.

"Okay, I've had sex once. What the heck does my sex life have to do this."

"How long ago did you have sex?"


"Answer me Ashley LeAnn."

"Um...two months ago..."

Her mother's eyes widened in shock. "Stay right here," she instructed. She got up and she left the room.

Fifteen minutes later, Caroline came back with a box. "Take this," she instructed. Ashley took the box and a shocked look was on her face.

"A--A pregnancy test?" She asked.

"Take it."

Ashley nodded and she looked at her mother. "A little privacy please," Ashley told her. Caroline got up and left the bathroom. Ashley felt tears press against her eyes as she took the test and waited for the results. "Fate please don't be this cruel," she whispered.

(Four Minutes Later)

Ashley felt a lump rise in her throat as she picked the test up. "Ashley, what does it say?" Caroline asked. Ashley's hands were shaking.

"Two pink lines..." she whispered.

"What?" Caroline asked.

"Two pink lines."

"Does that mean positive or negative sweetheart?"

Ashley lifted the box up. "P--Positive," Ashley replied. Ashley jumped and shrieked when she heard something break outside the door.

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