Chapter 14: Reunited

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"Ashley?" Andros asked. Ashley bit her lip and she nodded her head slowly.

"Sorry, I see you were going out, I'll come back later tonight," she commented.

Andros grabbed her arm. "Don't worry about it, come in," he answered. Ashley followed him inside and Andros sighed as he removed his jacket.

"Thankfully I didn't have to wear that thing," he commented.

"Where were you going?" She asked.

"Some banquet. Celebrating the peace between KO-35 and Lynthia."


Andros sighed and sat down. "What brings you here, Ashley? Since you stopped talking to me for what four years?" He asked. Ashley played with her hands and stood there.

"Andros, I didn't stop talking to you. I thought you stopped talking to me," she replied.

Andros sat up slightly. "We have so much to talk about, I don't know where to begin," she added.

"How about the beginning?" He asked.

Ashley rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, first off. I contacted you everyday during the past four years. I just gave up a few months ago," she informed. She took a deep breath. Andros sighed and he scratched the back of his neck. "Andros..." she trailed off. He looked at her and saw the tears in her eyes.

"Hey," he murmured.

He kneeled in front of her and held her hands. "It's okay," he murmured. Ashley shook her head and let out a sob.

"'s not okay," she answered.

Andros wiped her tears from her face. "Andros...when you left...when..." she trailed off. Andros gave her a quizzical look. "A little while after you left...I found out that I was...." she trailed off again.

"What? What is it?" He asked.

"I found out I was pregnant," she replied.

Andros stood up in shock. "What?" He asked in disbelief. Ashley nodded her head slowly.

"I found out I was pregnant. We have a son, Andros," she replied.

"A son?"

Ashley reached into her bag and she pulled out the picture. "This is him, our son. His name is Hayden Andros Hammond," she informed. Andros took the picture and he sat down.

"Wow..." he trailed off.

Ashley smiled, but she jumped when he hit the coffee table. "Damn you Larissa," he snapped. Ashley got up and she sat next to him.

"Zhane told me about her," she told him.

Ashley stroked the side of his head. "Andros..." she started. Andros looked over at her. "I'm here," she assured him.

"You would've been here sooner if it weren't for her," he murmured.

Ashley looked at him and she pressed her lips against his in a gentle kiss. Andros kissed her back, but then he pulled back slightly. "Screw the banquet," he muttered. Ashley giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck when he kissed her. Andros pulled back again only to get up and lock the door. "Just so Larissa doesn't come in," he commented. Ashley laughed but then Andros picked her up bridal style and carried her to his room.

Later on that night, Andros and Ashley were lying under the blankets cuddled up to each other. Andros kissed Ashley's bare shoulder with a smile. "I wish I didn't have to go back tomorrow," she murmured.

"Why don't you bring Hayden here?" He asked.

"I wasn't planning on staying this time around anyways, Andros," she replied.

Andros caressed her neck with his lips, making Ashley close her eyes and let out a small sigh. Just then, there was a knock on the front door. "Andros open this door," a voice snapped. Andros groaned and tilted his head back.

"Larissa," he muttered.

Ashley watched as he got out of bed, pulled on his pants and shirt, and he walked to the door. Ashley stayed under the blankets and smiled. "This is what I've been wanting for so long," she pondered.

Andros opened the door to see Larissa standing there with anger showing on her face. "Can I help you, Larissa?" He asked.

"The banquet started four hours ago," she snapped.

Andros leaned against the doorframe to his door. "Yeah?" He asked. Larissa crossed her arms over her chest.

"My father was supposed to thank both Zhane and you, Andros. Not just Zhane," she snapped.

"Excuse me, I don't think you're my mother, Larissa."

"You were supposed to be my escort."

"No, I was invited to be there, you insisted on me being your escort."

Larissa glared at him. "I have work to do," he told her. Andros closed the door and locked it. He smiled as he went back towards the bedroom.

Ashley, who heard everything, started laughing. "I have work to do?" She asked. Andros smiled as he got back into the bed.

"Yeah, I have to work on you," he replied.

Ashley giggled and then he pulled her into a kiss.

(7:00 AM)

Ashley sighed as she stood in front of the Megaship with Andros in front of her. "Well, doesn't this seem familiar?" She commented. Andros held her hands with a small smile.

"I'll be on Earth tomorrow, I promise," he assured her.

Ashley smiled slightly as he hugged her and kissed her. "I love you," she whispered. Andros closed his eyes and let out a deep breath.

"I love you too," he answered.

Ashley let him go and got back on the Megaship. Andros stepped back as the ship took off back to Earth and he let out a deep breath.

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