Chapter 15: The Ruse

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Andros entered his father's office building and headed down the hall. "Norla, could you tell my father that I'm here?" He asked.

"Of course General," Norla replied.

Norla pushed a button on her desk. "Sir, your son is here to see you," she informed.

"Send him in," Aldarico answered.

Andros nodded to Norla before entering the office.

Aldarico was sitting at his desk when he saw his son. "Andros, what brings you here?" Aldarico asked. Andros sat down in the chair in front of his father's desk.

"Father, I need your help to convince Larissa and Leron that I have gone to Earth," Andros replied.

"Whatever for?" Aldarico asked.

Andros took a deep breath. "Ashley came to my apartment last night," Andros replied. Aldarico smiled when he saw a small spark in his son's eye when he mentioned Ashley's name.

"I guess you still haven't given up on her after four years," Aldarico commented.

Aldarico stood up, walked over to the front of his desk, and he leaned against it. "Father, I already contacted Kornon of Lynthia to tell him that if Larissa and Leron were to ask that I was there for meetings," Andros informed.

"And what would you have me do, son?" Aldarico asked.

"I want you and mother to tell them if they were to ask you that I've gone to Lynthia for meetings. If they knew I went to Earth, you know they would do anything possible to bring me back here."

Aldarico nodded his head in agreement. "Alright, son, we will tell them," he assured him. Andros smiled and Aldarico placed his hands on Andros's shoulders. "You just stay there as long as you need to," he informed. Andros nodded and Aldarico hugged him. "Good luck," he added.

"Thank you," Andros answered.

Andros pulled back and stood up. "Oh and father, meet your grandson," he added. He placed the picture of Hayden on the chair before leaving.

Andros stood in front of the Megaship that Zhane brought back earlier that day. "Have a safe trip, Andros," Zhane told him. Andros nodded and the two shared their handshake. "Good luck," he added.

"Thanks," Andros answered.

Andros got onto the ship and he walked to the bridge. "DECA, set a course for Earth," Andros instructed.

"Acknowledged," DECA answered.

Andros stood at the controls as he went off to Earth.


Ashley was out in the backyard playing with Hayden. Hayden was hiding behind a tree. "Kimberly, have you seen Hayden? I can't find him anywhere," Ashley commented. Kimberly, who was getting Trini to sleep, shook her head.

"Sorry, Ash, I haven't seen him anywhere," she answered while pointing to the tree.

Ashley nodded with a grin and she stood up. "Well, I guess if you haven't seen him you haven't seen him," she commented. Ashley walked around the backyard. "Where did my little boy go?" She asked. Ashley acted as if she were surprised when Hayden jumped out from behind the tree.

"HERE I AM!" He shouted.

Ashley smiled and she picked Hayden up, setting him on her back. "You scared mommy," she commented.

"I scared mommy," Hayden laughed.

Hayden looked at Kimberly. "See Auntie Kim, I scared mommy," he told her. Kimberly smiled.

"You sure did," Kimberly agreed.

Ashley laughed, but then she looked up when she saw Andros walking up. "Andros..." she whispered. She set Hayden down on the ground before hurrying towards the gate. Once she closed the gate door back up, she ran over to Andros. "ANDROS!" She shouted. She threw her arms around his neck in a hug. Andros hugged her back and swung her around. "You're here," she murmured.

"I kept my promise," he answered.

Andros pulled back and he kissed her. "Yucky," a voice complained. They pulled back and Ashley looked over at Hayden with a smile. She walked over and opened the gate. She picked Hayden up and she walked over to Andros.

"Andros, this is Hayden. Hayden, this is your daddy," she informed.

Hayden looked at Andros and a smile came across his face, he jumped from Ashley's arms and into Andros's. Andros hugged Hayden with a smile. "Daddy, you done seeing family?" He asked. Andros closed his eyes and he hugged Hayden a bit tighter.

"Yeah, daddy's done seeing his family," he replied.

Andros looked at Ashley with a smile. Ashley smiled back and she held his hand.

Later that night, Hayden was staying over at Kimberly's house. Kimberly offered for him to come over and play with Nathan, knowing that Andros and Ashley wanted time alone.

Andros and Ashley were walking around the park hand in hand. "You sure we should've just let your cousin take our son for the night?" He asked. Ashley laughed and she nodded.

"She owes me for watching Nathan all those nights when Tommy came home," she replied.

Andros wrapped his arm around her shoulders and he kissed the top of her head. Ashley wrapped her arm around his waist and placed her head on his shoulder. "Other than the time when Hayden was born, I've never been so happy," she murmured. He smiled and wrapped his arm around her back.

"Same here," he agreed.

"How long can you stay?"

"As long as I need to."

Ashley smiled and she stopped. "So, it's you and me again?" She asked. Andros smiled and held her hands.

"You and me forever," he replied.

Ashley jumped up, wrapping her legs around his waist, and kissed him. Andros wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back. They ended up back at Ashley's house.

Later that night, they were lying awake in bed when Andros remembered something. "Hey, remember what I said the night I proposed in Angel Grove?" He asked. Ashley pulled back slightly and gave him a quizzical look.

"I just remember the proposal," she replied with a laugh.

Andros grabbed his jacket that was sitting on the floor and pulled out the box from inside his pocket. Andros sat up slightly and he held the box out to her and opened it. Ashley gasped when she saw the ring. "I'll ask you again, just to be sure. Ashley, will you marry me?" He asked. Ashley smiled and nodded.

"Yes, of course," she replied.

Andros placed the ring on her finger and then he kissed her again. Ashley wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

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