Chapter 12: Dreaming

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"NO!" Andros shouted. He sat up and was breathing hard. He pushed his hair out of his face and he sat on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. He let his breathing get back to normal before he climbed out of bed completely. He pulled his workout clothes, pulls his hair back in a ponytail, and left his apartment.

Andros started running through the Karovan city. Not caring if anyone was watching the General of KO-35, former Red Space Ranger, running as fast as he could down the streets. As he ran, he was erasing the nightmare that plagued his mind. "Don't think, just keep running. Don't think about any of that," his mind told him. Andros swallowed the lump in his throat.

For quite awhile, he ran like that. He finally stopped at the park and he fell to the grass, letting the exhaustion take over him. He got a call from Larissa's father, Leron, the other day. Ever since then, it was plaguing his mind.


Andros was finally getting a head start on his paperwork. He looked up when his com link went off. "Andros," he answered.

"Hello, General," a voice greeted.

Andros lifted his head up. "Leron?" Andros asked.

"Of course," he replied.

Andros sat back in his chair. "I have a proposition for you, General," Leron informed. Andros closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath.

"I'm listening, sir," he answered.

Leron chuckled. "My daughter has taken a liking to you, General," he commented. Andros felt his stomach turn when he mentioned Larissa.

"I'm aware of that sir," Andros answered.

"Then you might know what I'm contacting you about," Leron commented.

Andros tried not to think about it. "My daughter is very eligible and it would be an honor if you'd marry her," he informed. Andros suppressed the urge to groan out loud. He let out a deep breath and he shook his head, even though Leron couldn't see it.

"Doing my proposal for me, sir?" Andros asked.

Leron was silent on his end. "I'm engaged already, sir," Andros added. Then he shut off the com link before another word was said. Andros sat back in his chair. "What a nightmare," he muttered.

(End Flashback)

"What a nightmare indeed," he muttered. He pushed the loose strands of hair out of his face and he let out a sigh. Andros got up from the ground and he took a drink from the water bottle he had brought with him on his run. He then turned to leave when he saw Larissa there. "Whoa! What are you spying on me now?" He asked.

"Father told me what you said to him yesterday," she informed.

Andros just stood there. "You're engaged you say? Then why does that ring sit in your desk?" She asked. Andros looked at her in disbelief.

"You're looking through my stuff?" He asked.

"I had to see what you're up to."

She touched his face, but Andros backed up. "Stay away from me," he told her. Larissa took a step closer, but Andros kept stepping backwards until his back hit a tree.

"Who are you to deny me?" She asked.

Andros glared at her. "Someone who's not in love with you," he replied.

"You're in love with that Terran whore," she hissed.

Andros grabbed Larissa's throat. "Don't you ever insult Ashley in my presence," he snapped. Larissa glared right back at him, but then her expression softened a bit.

"I'm of noble blood. I can give you anything you want," she told him.

Andros let her go. "How about giving me my freedom and leaving me be?" Andros asked. Larissa sighed and shook her head. She turned to leave, but then she stopped and looked over at him.

"I will get you, Andros, son of Aldarico. I can assure you of that," she replied.

Andros shook his head. "Over my dead body," he answered. Before Andros could react, Larissa grabbed him by the back of his neck and kissed him. Andros cringed and pulled back.

"That's just the start," she added.

She turned and walked away. Andros took the water he had and rinsed his mouth to get rid of the filth. He suddenly felt sick and he sat down against the tree that Larissa just had him pinned against. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes. "Ashley..." he whispered. Soon he was asleep again.

(Andros's Dream)

"UP DADDY!" A young boy shouted. Andros smiled as he picked the young boy up from the ground.

"You spoil him," a voice commented.

Andros looked up and smiled at Ashley. He kissed her forehead. "How's the other little guy doing?" He asked.

"He's good," she replied.

Andros had the one boy sitting on his hip and he held the infant's hand. "Say hi to your brother, Christopher," Ashley told the boy. Andros lifted the boy up to look at the baby that was fast asleep in Ashley's arms.

"He looks funny," the boy commented.

"He's a baby, Hayden," Andros answered.

Hayden held his brother's hand with a smile. Andros smiled at Ashley and kissed her forehead.

(End Dream)

Andros woke up to the sunrays hitting his face. He got up and he headed back to his apartment to get ready for work.

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