Chapter 8: Father Knows Best

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Andros was asleep on the couch once again after the meeting he had with Kinwon about the trip to Lynthia like Zhane had informed him about in his message. However, as Andros was lying on the couch asleep, he was dreaming about Ashley.

(Andros's Dream)

Andros and Ashley were lying in bed. She ran her hand up and down his arm. "What do you want to do in your future?" He asked. Ashley let out a sigh as she thought about it.

"Hmm, I want to finish high school, become a fashion designer, and maybe someday have a family," she replied.

She looked up at him. "What about you?" She asked. Andros laid his head back against the pillow and looked at the ceiling.

"I don't really know...I've practically spent my whole life to find my sister," he replied.

Ashley bit her lip and Andros let out a sigh. "When I was a kid, I always wanted to become General of KO-35 and see where my life goes from there," he added.

"How about now?" She asked.

She laughed slightly when he rolled onto her and stroked her face. "I found something even better," he replied. Ashley smiled and he kissed her deeply.

(End Dream)

Andros woke up and he rubbed his forehead. "And now look where I am," he muttered. He looked at the clock and groaned. "Great, I have yet to pick up the nightmare," he added. He got up and went to get ready for his date with Larissa.

During the date, Andros couldn't recall any other time he was bored besides that night. He was bored, tired, and he had a migraine that didn't come around until the moment he picked Larissa up. "Andros, are you listening?" Larissa asked.

"I would rather be chewing my arm off right now," he pondered.

Andros forced a smile on his face. "Yeah, I'm listening," he replied through his teeth. Andros then stood up. "But look at the time, we have to go. I have a meeting early tomorrow morning," he informed. Larissa sighed and followed Andros out.

As soon as Andros got home, he threw his jacket on the chair. "Well, never expected to see you back so soon," a voice commented. Andros grabbed his blaster and held it up.

"Who's there?" Andros demanded.

"Put the blaster down, son," the person answered.

"Father? What are you doing here?"

Andros's dad, Aldarico, came from the shadows. Andros put the blaster down. "How did you get in here?" He asked.

"Zhane let me in," he replied.

Andros rubbed the back of his neck. "You're back early from your date with Larissa," he commented. Andros sat down.

"I was only keeping my half of the bargain," Andros answered.

"Son, she's not so bad."

Andros pressed his forehead against his hand. "Father...I wasted hours of my life that I will never get back," he commented. Aldarico shook his head.

"Don't whine son, you're not seven anymore," he informed.

Andros looked at his father in disbelief. "Father! I was fully capable of choosing whoever I wanted to be with! I don't need you choosing my wife for me," Andros insisted.

"That's why you chose the Terran girl Ashley," Aldarico commented.
"What does that mean?" Andros asked.

"That girl is wasting your life away."

"No, no, correction. Larissa is wasting my life away."

"Larissa is from a noble bloodline. You should be honored to be with her."

Andros laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, right. She is the most annoying person I have ever met in my entire life! I have never heard someone talk about themselves for three hours straight!" Andros snapped.

"Don't you talk to me like that," Aldarico scolded.

"Don't make choices for me father."

"That Terran girl who you love so much. The one you're saving that ring for. She's never coming back, son."

Andros glared at him. "She's going to stay on Earth with her little Terran friends and you'll be nothing but a memory to her," Aldarico taunted. Andros shook his head.

"You don't know Ashley," Andros insisted.

"You two are two worlds apart."

"I don't recall you telling me that my grandparents were complaining when you married mom."

Aldarico grabbed his son by his throat and pinned him against the wall. "Don't you ever say that to me again," he snapped. Andros glared at him.

"Let go of me," Andros hissed quietly.

"You never mention that to me ever again do you understand?"

"What are you ashamed of father? You ashamed that you think you disgraced the bloodline? You afraid that I'll disgrace the bloodline?"

Aldarico glared at Andros before letting him go. Andros rubbed his throat. "You never mention that to me again," he instructed.

"Third time you've said that to me. Is it so hard that I'm in love with a Terran just like you?" Andros asked.

"You're all Karovan," he snapped.

"I'm half. Was raised as Karovan just like you and mom wanted."

Aldarico continued to glare at Andros. "You never mention to anyone that you're half-Karovan," he instructed.

"Newsflash, father. I'm seventeen now, I can make my own choices. I choose Ashley. Yes, father, I chose a Terran," Andros snapped.

Aldarico went to grab Andros again when Andros pulled out his blaster. "Touch me again and I'll pull the trigger," he threatened. Aldarico stared at the blaster.

"You'll really kill me? Your own father?" He asked.

Andros's hands shook. "I---I would certainly like to right now..." he answered slowly. A lump rising in his throat. "I want Ashley, father. I want her. I chose her, she had my heart the moment I saw her. She's everything I have ever wanted and needed," he told him.

"You did not see the struggle your mother and I went through. Especially when you were born," Aldarico answered.

"Ashley and I had been through enough already."

"You say that now. Your mother and I said we could get through it. I want you to be with a Karovan, so you won't be disgraced like your mother and I were."

Andros's hands continued to shake. "I want her, I love her. I'll go back to Earth one day and I'll marry her. You'll see," Andros stated. Aldarico walked over and had Andros lower the blaster. He saw the pain in his son's eyes when he spoke about Ashley.

"Andros...son..." he trailed off.

He placed his hands on his son's face. "Your happiness means the universe to me, you know that," he told him. Andros nodded his head slowly. "But I want you to be protected too. I don't want to see you go through what your mother and I did to get where we are now," he added. Andros lowered his head slightly and Aldarico hugged him. "I want you happy, yes, but I want you to be safe too," he told him. Andros closed his eyes and stayed quiet for a minute.

"If I can't have Ashley, father...I don't want anybody else," he informed.

Aldarico sighed and he nodded his head slowly. "If that's the way you feel," he informed. Andros nodded. Aldarico hugged Andros a little tighter. "I love you, son, I do things that I believe are the best for you," he added. Andros was silent and he just thought about Ashley.

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