Chapter 19: Hard Times

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Andros woke up when he heard the bathroom door suddenly slam close. He got up and walked over to the bathroom. "Ashley, you okay?" He asked. He knocked on the door and winced when he heard her vomiting on the other side. He opened the door and walked over to her. He held her hair back and ran circles over her back. After a few minutes, Andros sat next to her and had her lean back against him.

"I feel awful," she groaned.

She held her stomach and placed her head on his shoulder. "Did you eat something weird last night?" He asked.

"Andros, this is KO-35, all the food's weird," she replied.

Andros kissed her forehead and held her to him for awhile. "Andros, you have to get to work," she insisted.

"If I'm late, I'm late," he answered.

Ashley shook her head and stood up. "Andros, got to work, I'll go to a doctor," she assured him. Andros sighed and stood up.

"Alright, but I'm going to call you later," he told her.

Ashley nodded and she rubbed her forehead when he left.


Ashley sighed when the doctor gave her a test. She let out a sigh and looked at the doctor. "The test results should be in by tomorrow," he informed. Ashley nodded and stood up.

Larissa watched as Ashley left the room and she glared at her slightly. "Let's see what's wrong with you little Miss Ashley," she hissed quietly. She walked down the hall towards the lab.


Larissa saw Ashley's test results and she picked up the paper. She hid behind the wall and she hid it. "No," she hissed. She read the results over and over for what seemed like hours. "She's pregnant," she hissed. An evil grin came across her face. She reached into her bag and she pulled out a piece of paper that was similar to the one she was holding. She walked over to the files and she pulled out Ashley's folder. She stuck the other piece of paper in there that read "negative" and she put the positive one into her folder. "Now let's see who gets Andros," she laughed. She hurried out of the room before she was caught.

(Andros and Ashley's Apartment)

Ashley sighed as she laid down on the couch with a cool rag on her head. Andros came home to find her resting. "How are you feeling?" He asked. Ashley sighed.

"I feel like the Megaship landed on me," she replied.

Andros kissed her cheek and held her hand. "Where's Hayden?" He asked.

"He went to visit Karone," she replied.

He nodded his head slowly and the com-link went off. "Who could that be?" He pondered. He got up and walked over to the com-link. Larissa's face appeared on the screen. "What do you want, Larissa?" He asked. Larissa smiled.

"Tsk, tsk, such a shame," she answered.


"I got a call from the doctor today."

Andros gave her a quizzical look. "Remember the night before the banquet?" She asked. Andros closed his eyes.

"I try not to," he replied.

Andros looked at her. "You drugged me," he added. Larissa laughed.

"You always say that, but it's not true," she answered.

Andros glared at her. "And I'm pregnant Andros," she added. Andros suddenly felt sick to his stomach.

"What!?" Ashley gasped.

She stood up in disbelief. Larissa smiled. "Surprise, surprise," she commented. Andros shook his head in disbelief. "Get ready to get married in a few weeks," she added.

"I'm already married," Andros answered.

"On Earth you're married to her. On KO-35, the marriage doesn't exist," Larissa reminded.

Ashley felt so much anger rise in her and she went into their room. "Ashley," he called. He turned off the com-link and he ran into the bedroom.

Andros ran into the room and saw Ashley packing her things. "Ashley what are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm taking Hayden and I'm leaving," she replied.

"No you're not."

"Watch me."

Andros grabbed her arm and grabbed her other arm when she tried to hit him. "Ashley, you're not going anywhere," he insisted.

"You slept with her!" She hissed.

"I insist that she drugged me."



Ashley glared at him. "She insists that I was drunk. But the last thing I remember was talking to Zhane about going back to Earth to find you. Then I wake up to finding Larissa sleeping next to me. I know I was drugged because I don't even remember her being there," he added. Tears pressed against her eyes and Andros's grip on her arms lightened. "I love you, Ashley. I'd rather die than lose you again," he told her. She lowered her head and let out a small sob. Andros hugged her tight and closed his eyes. "I love you," he repeated.

"I love you too," she answered.

Andros let out a sigh and he pulled back to look at her. "I'll straighten this all out okay? When I come back I'll have it all straightened out," he informed. She nodded her head slowly and Andros let her go.

"You are going to go see Hayden before you leave right?" She asked.

Andros stopped and he looked at Ashley. "Yeah, of course," he replied. He turned to leave again.

"Andros," she called out.

He looked back over his shoulder. "Be careful," she added. Andros nodded.

"Hey, this is me," he reminded.

"Like I said be careful," she repeated.

Andros turned and left the apartment. Ashley sat down on the bed and she played with her wedding ring.

(Moon: Three Days Later)

Andros let out a sigh as he pulled out his binoculars and looked over the dig site. When he saw that the generals had almost finished digging Serpenterra out, he pulled off his hood. "It's worse than I thought. They're almost finished digging it out," he muttered. He got up to leave when he knocked over some rocks.

"What's that?" HE heard one of the generals ask.

"Time to go," Andros commented.

He ran from the Generals and held his morpher up. "GALAXY GLIDER HANG TEN!" He shouted. He did a front flip off the ground, morphed, and landed on his galaxy glider. "I have to get a hold of the others," he pondered. He flew off towards Earth.

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