Chapter 21: Change of Plans

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Andros was in his dress uniform when Zhane came in. "Ready to go through this again?" Zhane asked. Andros pulled his hair back in a ponytail and let out a sigh.

"As ready as I'll ever be," he replied.

Zhane placed a hand on Andros's shoulder. "If anyone deserves happiness its you Andros," he commented.

"Thanks," Andros answered.

Andros let out a sigh. "I knew I had to remarry Ashley on KO-35, but I didn't know it had to be so quick," he commented.

"Well, there's always something called renewing your vows in a few years," Zhane answered.

Andros nodded and he straightened his jacket. "Ready?" Zhane asked.

"Yep," Andros replied.

Andros stood at the altar and he smiled when Ashley was in front of him again. "Ready for round two?" He asked. Ashley smiled and gave his hands a small squeeze.

"Ready when you are," she replied.

Andros smiled as the secret wedding ceremony went on as planned.

The next day, Andros woke up and slowly got out of bed without trying to wake Ashley. He pulled on his clothes and the golden band on his left wrist shined in the sunlight. Andros looked over to see the similar band on Ashley's wrist. Unlike Earth, Karovan weddings they exchange gold wrist bands instead of wedding rings. Andros looked in the mirror and he pulled his hair back in a half-ponytail. "And where do you think you're going?" Ashley asked. She sat up slightly with a small grin.

"Was hoping not to wake you," he replied.

Ashley rolled her eyes. "I was going to go in front of everyone and tell them that I'm already married," he added.

"Andros, I'm going with you," she put in.


"Nope, don't want to hear it."

She got up and she pulled on her clothes. She walked over and she wrapped her arms around him. "You and I are in this together till death do us part," she reminded. She pressed her forehead against his.

"Right," he agreed.

"Come on, we have a wedding to crash."

Andros laughed and they left the room.


Larissa stood at the altar and Andros walked up with Ashley behind him. Andros held onto her hand as they walked up there. "What is going on?" She asked. Andros smiled.

"Sorry, sweetie, there's a little change of plans," he replied.

"What is going on here?" Leron asked.

Andros held onto Ashley's hand. "Ladies and gentlemen. I'm sorry to say that you came out here for no reason. There isn't going to be a wedding, I'm already married," Andros informed. People started talking quietly with Andros's announcement.

"You're married on Earth," Larissa told him.

"No, I'm married on both Earth and KO-35. I just got married last night. To this beautiful angel right beside me," Andros informed.

Andros pushed up his and Ashley's sleeves to reveal the gold wedding bands on their wrists. "NO!" Larissa shouted. Ashley smiled at Larissa and she took a step forward.

"And Larissa lied to you all. She's not pregnant, because I am," Ashley answered.

"Impossible," Leron hissed.

"Not impossible," Andros answered.

Ashley held onto Andros's hand. "Larissa switched our pregnancy tests to make it look like she was pregnant when it's me that was pregnant. I spoke to her doctor to find out the truth. She's not pregnant," Ashley explained. Larissa bit her lip and Andros glared at her.

"You tried to do everything in your power to ruin my life, why?" Andros asked.

"Because you're still a disgrace to KO-35 for being half-breed," Larissa replied.

Andros glared at her and raised his hand to smack her when Ashley grabbed his wrist. "Don't, Andros, she's not worth it," she told him. Andros stood there for a minute before he pulled his hand away from Ashley.

"Ashley's right. You're not worth it. I won't disgrace my family by even touching you," he snapped.

"You disgraced your family by being born," Larissa hissed.

"HEY!" Ashley snapped.

Larissa glared at Ashley. "Don't you talk to my husband like that," Ashley snapped. Larissa glared at her.

"You, little missy, don't you start to understand our laws on KO-35 because you married a half-breed," she hissed.

Ashley smacked Larissa hard across the face. "Andros is a better person than you'll ever be," Ashley hissed. She turned and walked away with Andros behind her.

Andros and Ashley left the gardens. Ashley was jumping up and down laughing while holding Andros's hands. "WE DID IT! WE DID IT!" She cheered. Andros wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her around.

"That we did," he agreed.

Ashley smiled and Andros kissed her briefly. He pulled back and smiled. "Now, you and I are free to raise Hayden and the new baby," he added.

"You bet," she agreed.

Andros held her hand. "Let's go home," he told her. Ashley nodded with a smile.

"Yes, let's," she agreed.

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