Chapter 4: The Lovely Couple

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Taehyung came back home to see there was a carriage outside the gate and the main door was open. He entered in and was instantly wrapped in a hug. "Taetae, how are you? We missed you so much", the beautiful man said. Another man who entered the house with luggage in both his hands added, "Finally, lord. He went on and on about how you would had loved it in there Tae"

"I missed you too Jin hyung. How was the honeymoon?" Taehyung asked. A blush crept up on the face of the newlywed who got lost back into the beautiful memories of his honeymoon in Rome.

"Hey that's not fair. How come you miss only him and not me" added the other male and wrapped his husband in a back hug. "Jin honey, I am sad".

"Tchh, Joon darling, you are a 27 year old man, don't pout like a little baby or I will have to kiss it away" Jin said in a casual manner placing his hands on his husband's hand who had it wrapped around his waist. Namjoon grinned and whispered softly in his ears, "I don't mind honey. Plus, the memories of the honeymoon are fading. I think we might as well refresh them."

"Uhumm". Taehyung fake coughed letting the couple know his presence. Jin felt embarrassed and elbowed his husband slightly to get out from his grip.

"Please excuse my perverted husband Tae dear who cannot keep his hands to himself. You go freshen up and we will talk over dinner. I have so many things to tell you and oh I brought you a gift too. Go freshen up quick and get downstairs" Jin said with a warm smile.

The dinner was as delicious as always. Taehyung had always been a huge fan of Jin's cooking. He still remembers the first time he had tasted Jin's food and how he had been reminded of his mother.

"Joonie, he looks so scared and lost. I think we should take him in" Jin looked at the young boy with pitiful eyes, covering him with his umbrella from the heavy rainfall. "I know but we don't know for sure who he is honey. For all we know, he could be with the soldiers" Namjoon replied back, thinking with his head, rather than his heart. 

Jin had given shelter to many hostages throughout the war years, who had ran from faraway lands. The pleading eyes, scared faces and trembling bodies always melted his heart and he couldn't say no. He knew it was risky to have such people in houses with the soldiers, patrolling around 24/7 . But he didn't have the heart to send them away. The day he found Tae, it was raining heavily with thunderstorms. Taehyung was drenched in water, hiding behind a box in a dark alley and about to pass out when Namjoon and Jin found him. The young boy look so scared and lost. As soon as Jin saw him, he carried the boy in his arms and asked Namjoon to carry all his belongings. He brought the little one home, changed him into warm clothes and fed him dinner. Surprisingly, Tae was taken to a kid's room. For about a week or two, Taehyung didn't say a word. Jin and Namjoon didn't push him too because they could sense how scared the boy was.

Everynight, Tae used to have nightmares and he would wake up, covered in sweat and tears. When Jin first found out about this after weeks, he rushed to the boy and embraced him in a hug. For the first time in weeks, Tae was able to sleep properly. It was the very day knew he could trust Jin and Namjoon, the day he started considering them as his family.

"Tae, would you like some more wine" Jin asked, bringing him back to the present. Taehyung looked at the lovely couple who kept bickering at each other. He had found home in the heart of this lovely couple who treated him like family. He took a sip of wine and smiled at them contently. Namjoon held out a box and gifted it to Taehyung, "Tae, we got you these from Rome. We hope you will like it". Taehyung opened the box and gasped at the beautiful set of brushes. He rushed and hugged the two, expressing his gratitude for such a thoughtful gift. Then, Namjoon, a little hesitantly added, "Also, Tae, tomorrow, we are expecting a guest. He is an amazing person Tae. Very kind hearted, sweet and humble. You will love his company. He is so nice with people." Taehyung didn't understand why Namjoon was explaining the man's personality with so many positive adjectives, given he knew Namjoon wasn't much of a praiser. He saw Jin placing his hand on Namjoon's and gently squeezing it, as if he was implying Namjoon to say something. Namjoon nervously looked at Taehyung and said, "He's a commander". The moment Namjoon said it, Taehyung's face colour changed and the rage in his face was evident. Taehyung knew it was wrong of him to generalize all the soldiers but a part of him always blamed them for taking his family away. 

After staying quite for a while, he saw Jin take a table next to him. Jin took Taehyung's hand in his own and gently rubbed it. "Tae, we know how your past has developed this strong sense of hatred towards soldiers, but not all of them are bad. Some of them are fighting for good, for good people like you and I. We won't force you into meeting him if you don't feel comfortable. "

Taehyung knew the couple's actions never meant any harm to him but all these years of rage and anger couldn't go away in one night. But to make sure, the couple didn't feel bad, he agreed to stay in the house for dinner with the guest. He wished them goodnight and went to his room.

"Its ok Jin honey. We both know he needs time but look on the brighter side, he at least agreed to it unlike previous times." Jin wrapped himself in his husband's embrace and hoped for a better day tomorrow.

Taehyung sat by the balcony looking at the stars, recalling the memories of his family. He had promised himself he wouldn't cry but how much could his fragile heart handle. As he was sobbing in the moonlight, the book wrapped in the white clothing caught his attention. He slowly walked up to the book and unwrapped it.  The cover read Happiness. He opened the first page and read the authors note,

What is happiness, one might ask? Is it the absence of sadness? Is it the utter state of bliss? Is it being together with loved ones? Is it the fulfillment of your wishes? Is it being able to forgive, forget and moving on? Is it no state of war?

A subjective question that doesn't have a fixed answer and revolves around thousands of experiences of thousands of people. Yet, it is displayed with the same gesture, a curled lip with wrinkling and sparkling eyes.

It was only the author's note yet Taehyung already had a smile on his face. His state of happiness as of now was being lost in the words of the mysterious author, who had already captured Taehyung's heart.

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