Chapter 14: The Sea and the thunderstorm

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I would sincerely want to dedicate this chapter to @looking4jams who has been constantly reading and showing support to this book. It means the world to me and keeps me motivated to write. Thank you!

Taehyung woke up in his bed and looked around the unfamiliar environment. For a second, he could not process his thoughts to where he was. As he woke up gently rubbing his eyes, he remembered he is at Correze and not La Rochelle. The chain of events from yesterday came into his mind and though he felt guilty about bringing out undesired topics, a part of him was more than happy to recall a certain sentence from yesterday. 

Thank you for letting me put a face to your beautiful name Taehyung. He smiled like an idiot and covered  his face with the duvet. Why would he even blush over such a small thing?

He was seated in the dining hall and having breakfast when the lady came in with a teapot. "Would you like some tea?" she asked, in the most rudest voice possible but Taehyung had decided to ignore it.

"Yes, please".

As she was pouring the tea, she said, "I told you to stay away from those filthy swines."

Taehyung couldn't understand properly. He was so taken aback from such rude words, that too so early in the morning, he had to ask again. "I am sorry, is there a probelm?"

"Oh a problem. There's no problem, mister, not any at the moment. But if you hang out with those cheap class lowlifes, you will be in problem, a big problem".

This was all it took to break Taehyung's tolerance. He bolted up from the seat, "Why do you spit such bad things about people you barely know? Do you even know them or have you at least even tried?" Anger was fuming out in his voice.

"I don't have to young man, dealing with them is like pushing myself in gutter. I thought you were wise but tch tch."

Taehyung couldn't take it anymore and he stormed out of the house taking his coat. He was mumbling to himself and so blinded by anger on the way that he didn't even see where he was headed to or who was coming his way.

"I am gonna punch that---" Taehyung stumbled against someone and fell on the ground on his butt. "Ouch,hey watch,--"

He was stopped midsentence when he saw who was standing in front of him with a little girl in his hands, with ofcourse the sweetest smile.

"Who are you planning on punching this early in the morning Taehyung?" Jungkook said reaching out his hand for Taehyung, slightly chuckling.

Taehyung laughed at his own silliness for how stupid he must have looked for talking to himself. "Oh just that lady whose house I stay at. She can be such a pain in the ass at times."

"Papah, what is ass?" Naeun asked innocently. 

Taehyung immediately regretted his use of words and covered Naeun's ears. Jungkok chuckled again.

"It's fine Taehyung. She is in that phase where she catches up words, a little too quick to my liking".

"Good god gracious, I am extremelly sorry Jungkook. It's just that I had such a shitty starting to this day."

"Papah, what is shitty?"

Taehyung wanted to kill himself for his absence of mind. He had already said two bad words and to make matters worse, Naeun was picking on them too quickly.

 On the other hand, Jungkook was laughing like crazy seeing how adorable Taehyung looked being clumsy and all.

After a while, Jungkook composed himself and asked, "Where are you headed to?"

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