Chapter 7: The Bouquet

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It had a week since commander Yoongi had come over for dinner at the Kim's residence. Jin and Namjoon had been helping him with the tour of the city. Every once or twice, Yoongi would ask for the whereabouts of Taehyung. While Namjoon was completely oblivious to this, Jin had already understood that he had developed an interest in Taehyung. It didn't really come off as a surprise to Jin though, given how beautiful Taehyung was, inside out.

The Kim couple and Yoongi were seated in a fine dine and conversing when Jin deliberately brought out Taehyung's name into the conversation. He easily noticed the smile that came onto the commander's face upon the mention of Taehyung's name. Without even a glint of hesitation, Jin asked, "So, when exactly are you planning to ask our Tae out?"

Yoongi almost choked on the piece of steak he had just placed in his mouth. He quickly took a sip of water and asked, "I am sorry, could you repeat that again?" 

Jin sighed and said, "Oh come on, Yoongi. We know you liked him from the very day of dinner."

"We did?" Namjoon asked, still obvious to it. "For God's sake Joon, sometimes I question myself as to how I fell in love with such a clueless man. Even a blind person can tell that Yoongi liked Taehyung the day he saw him".

Yoongi chuckled seeing the couple's interaction but he was also embarrassed for being caught red handed. He did express his liking for Taehyung in a way or two, but he thought it was not evident. Like, after two days of the dinner, he payed a visit to their house with a bouquet of roses. He knew that the couple had plans for dinner and wouldn't be home, but meeting the couple was not his intention, at least not with a bouquet of fresh red roses. He handed the flowers to Taehyung saying they were for the couple, when in reality, he had bought them with Taehyung in his mind. Two days after that, he had went to Taehyung's gallery asking for directions about the church, when the couple had clearly instructed him about it the earlier day. The other day he had bumped into Taehyung in the market and offered him for coffee. But to his dismay, Taehyung had other plans and politely declined the offer.

Jin brought Yoongi back to reality from his chain of thoughts and asked, "So, when do you plan to ask him out? Or are you waiting for the war to end?" Jin laughed at his own line but immediately realized it was a sensitive issue to joke on. He hit his lips with his palm and said, "Sorry for the bad joke."

Yoongi immediately became nervous and as he fidgeted with his fingers, he replied, "I have been wanting to ask him for dinner or maybe just coffee, but I feel he's not interested. I don't want to push him, you know. Plus, I don't want him to think of me as a needy man who's trying too hard."

Jin thought for a while and said, "Well, Taehyung isn't like other men. You will have to put double the effort into convincing him. But I have a positive feeling. What do you think Joon honey?"

"Well, as far as I know, Taehyung hasn't dated anyone so far. So, we could convince him into going one, you know for experience sake. And then you can show your chivalrous and kind side to him and boom, you hit the love arrow into his heart" Namjoon said proudly.

"Boom? Love arrow into his heart? What are you, a 16 year old teen?" Jin rolled his eyes and continued, " Anyways, he has a point Yoongi. I will try to talk to Taehyung about it. But before that, you will have to ask him out. Do you any have plans in mind?"

"I could meet him in person but it might come off as too straight forward. I think I will send him a bouquet of flowers with a note. That way he will have time to think and even if he does say no, the process will be less embarrassing for me" Yoongi said with a bitter smile.

"I am sure he wouldn't. I will make sure he doesn't" Jin said leaving Yoongi with a hope that he might stand a chance with Taehyung.

A week after Jin had proposed to Yoongi on the idea for taking Taehyung out, he finally gathered the courage to send him a bouquet of flowers with a note.

Taehyung came back home from his gallery a little tired than usual due to more number of customers. But more than that, he was sadder about the fact that it had already been two weeks and he still hadn't received a letter from the author. As he came out from the bathroom, he saw Jin waiting by his bedroom door. "Jin hyung, what is the matter? Is everything okay?"

"Oh Taehyung, do you mind if I come in?" Jin aksed nervously. "Sure hyung, you don't even have to ask." As Jin came in, Taehyung saw the bouquet of flowers he was holding. He thought Namjoon must have gifted it to him. "It seems Namjoon hyung is in a romantic mood today".

Jin sighed, "Oh darling, how much I wish these were from my clueless husband but sadly, he's the most unromantic person in this entire world. But on the brighter side, these are for you."

Taehyung took the bouquet in his hands with confused eyes and read that the note had been addressed from Min Yoongi. The name rang a bell and he looked up to Jin and asked, "Min Yoongi, as in the commander we had over for dinner?"

Jin nodded adding, "Tae dear, I am not pressuring you into anything but he is a nice person. Do give it a thought. Also, its just dinner, so you don't have to overthink much". With that he left the room leaving behind an unsure Taehyung with  a bouquet and note,

Dear Taehyung,

I am sorry if I have caught you off guard with this gesture but I didn't want to make it uncomfortable for you by doing this in person. I have been wanting to ask you this for quite some time but I never had the courage to. I am not much of a talker and before I present myself as more awkward, I will come straight to the point. Will you be willing to go out for dinner with me? I have added my number. Please do give me a ring if you have accepted my offer. If not so too, I would happily take no as an answer. Hoping for a positive response.

Yours sincerely,

Min Yoongi

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