Chapter 24: The Nightmare

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Taehyung was being chased by a group of soldiers and he was running for his life. He ran with his eyes closed making sure he wasn't caught. Panting and running, he reached the bridge, the same bridge where he lost both his parents. As he was getting closer to the bridge, he saw two figures standing on the other end. Upon getting closer, he could make out who the two figures were, Jungkook and Naeun. He smiled when he saw them but to his surprise, they didn't smile back at him. And before he could reach to them, he heard gunshots and the two fell down.

"Jungkook!!!!!!!!" Taehyung jolted up in his bed, covered in sweat and heavy breathing. He realized he was having a nightmare yet it looked so vivid and real. He looked at the clock to see it was 5 in the morning. And the uneasiness from yesterday had only doubled after the dream. What was this weird feeling he was feeling in his gut.

He woke up and took a shower hoping he would feel better. He made himself some tea and breakfast but the uneasy feeling still lingered over his mind and heart. After a while of getting ready, he thought maybe he would visit the town as he had to get some answers from Yoongi. He carried his jacket and headed off to the town.

He realized that Mr. Hitman's store was still closed so he decided to pay a visit to the library. As he was making notes, he recalled the information that he had gotten from Park Bo Gum.

"Hello Mr Bogum, sorry to intrude you at this hour but I needed some answers which I believe only you could provide to me" Taehyung said nervously.

Bogum was a man of good character and happy to help. "Sure Mr...??"

"Oh my apologies. My name is Kim Taehyung. I am a painter and an author. And I am here for a club meeting, the Golden closet book club."

"Ahhh the extraordinary book club I see. And how exactly can I help you Mr Kim?" Bogum asked curiously.

" You see I was a little curious and visited the town library. I wanted to learn more about the town events and it's history when I accidentally came across your article about the forbidden love story of a local man with a commander's daughter. I found out to be quite intriguing so I was hoping you could enlighten me more on it" Taehyung asked nervously, lying.

Bogum had quite the eyes for truth and lies and for a person's character too. He wasn't buying the story of curiosity of town events thing but he could see through Taehyung as a nice person. On top of that, that piece of the article was something he had always been close to so when someone asked him about it, it obviously sparked more interest in him.

"Well Mr. Taehyung, I am a journalist with quite the eye for truth. And I have to tell you, you are quite a terrible liar." He said chuckling.

Taehyung bit his lips realizing he had been caught so easily but when he saw that Bogum was cooperating, it made him relieved.

"By far, I am assuming you know the names of the two individuals in my article?" Bogum said placing his cup down.

"I did figure out the man was Park Jimin but nothing on the woman he loved. Perhaps you could help?" He asked hoping to get an answer.

"I am happy to help Mr. Kim. Well, where do I start from? Let's start with names then. Her name was Kang Seulgi, she was the daughter of commander Kang Soo-man. Her father was quite the autocratic commander but she was a complete opposite. After her father's placement over here, she moved in to work in the hospital here. But unlike her father, who treated the the locals like slum and slaves, she was very kind to them. She was a nurse who would help out people in need and couldn't afford medical support. The people here loved her."

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