Chapter 47: The Remembrance

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Three months later

"Jungkook, wake up" Taehyung nudged the other, whose naked self had engulfed Taehyung's body in the tangled sheets.

"I swear to god Jungkook, if you don't wake up, I will push you off the bed." Taehyung spoke as he tried to move out of Jungkook's grip which had only tightened around him more.

"Give me five more minutes" he spoke as he began to leave light feathered kisses on Taehyung's neck from behind.

Taehyung who always melted in Jungkook's touch tried to reason his way out but when Jungkook hovered over him and began to kiss on his neck, reason and resistance jumped out of the window.

"We will g-get late" Taehyung whispered while his hands went to grip on the ends of Jungkook's hair locks, only encouraging him to continue what he was doing.

His lips moved from Taehyung's collarbone to his chest, leaving a trail of kisses all over his body. Taehyung knew they would get late at this rate but the way Jungkook was moving his lips around his nipples made him feel it was be worth it.

"Let me know if it hurts"Jungkook spoke seductively, as he entered in and Taehyung knew, the latter would be carrying him around for the whole day.

Everyone was gathered, and seated in the hall of the building, waiting patiently for the couple who was actually suppose to the the center of attention today.

"I swear on lord that they couldn't keep their hands off each other today as well" Jessie spoke to Hosoek who had flew over from London with his husband Yoongi. Namjoon and Jin were patiently seated trying not to think why their child like brother hadn't showed up in time in his own wedding.

After Taehyung proposed, Jungkook and Taehyung moved back in Jungkook's house as they wanted to live together. The two had insisted on settling down on a paper marriage while the rest of them suggested that at least a small ceremony among friends and family was mandatory.

Taehyung was thankful of Jimin for his bond with all the club members which had made all this happen and to remember his kind, strong and selfless nature, he jointly with others had established a small library and book review club under the name, "Jimin's World of Literature." Initially, they had thought of the club name for it but they felt it was an intimate affair and should be treasured between them only. And marking its inauguration, they had decided to tie the knot on the same day.

As everyone was seated patiently, waiting for them, the door opened with a large sound and came the view of Jungkook carrying Taehyung is his arms, bridal style, running for their own marriage to take place.

"We are here" Jungkook shouted as the rest of the people looked at them in shock but not surprise as they knew how much the two were in love.

Jungkook rushed to the front of the hall, where a sleepy Mr Hitman was standing, wanting to commence the ceremony.

Taehyung who was still in Jungkook's arms looked around at Jin and Namjoon's direction and mouthed a sorry, only for them to sigh and nod with a smile.

"You can put me down, you know" Taehyung spoke as Jungkook seemed to forgot that they were still in the same position.

"I promised to hold you forever" he replied, cheesiness laced in the sentence.

"God lord, when did you get so cheesy?" Taehyung spoke rolling his eyes.

"If the grooms are done flirting, may we start the ceremony" Hosoek shouted, making them blush in red.

Mr. Hitman cleared his throat and spoke, "We are all gathered here today for two purposes. Firstly, we are here to witness the love of two of our most beloved people tie the knot of marriage and secondly to inaugurate the library opened under Jimin's name to honor and forever remember the love he radiated around us. Without taking any more second, I will now like to request the grooms to read their vows."

Jungkook had decided to go first and he took a long sigh before recalling them, "The first time I met you, you accidentally fell into my arms and continued to do so only to make me realize that I was suppose to hold you forever and ever. You came into my life through the chaos of a war, where we found refuge in each other's warmth and presence and without me even realizing it, you had become a part of my family, my heart and my life. In a state where I lost everyone dear to me, not only did you manage to enter but also managed to stay, blessing me to experience love and happiness that were limited to words in the chapters of my book. But now as we stand here, in a library, I feel you have become that start, ending and the happily ever after of my life book. And I can't wait to write more pages of it in the coming days ahead." Jungkook smiled, holding back his own tears while Taehyung was already crying.

"I thought you said you wouldn't cry" Hosoek spoke, handing his handkerchief to Yoongi.

"There's something in my eyes alright" Yoongi spoke, wiping off the tears.

Everyone else seemed to be tearing up and sniffling.

Taehyung took a long breath and cited his vows, "In my colorless painting of a life, you came in brushing off colors of emotions, happiness and love that I wasn't even aware I was capable of feeling. I was a lost boy who had been taken into as a family by Jin and Namjoon Hyung and I am forever indebted that I got to have them as my family." Taehyung looked at the couple and smiled.

"I don't know what pushed me to come here but as I followed my heart here, I felt that everything was suppose to happen for a reason.  Perhaps me falling into your arms time and again were signs that you were meant to hold me forever. You not only loved me but you gave me a family and blessed me with the joy of becoming a father to a beautiful daughter like Naeun. Our love story which started with a book experienced its high and lows only to make us realize we were meant to be together. A love story amidst the war transcended beyond the chaos and connected two lost souls, uniting them to be one, forever and always. And I too wish to write the coming chapters  of my life with you and only you." Taehyung finished off his speech, with a warm boxy smile.

By this point, everyone in the room was crying.

"If I don't speak now, I will be weeping like a baby so without further a due, I ask, do you Jeon Jungkook, take Kim Taehyung to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" Jungkook spoke, holding Taehyung's hands in his.

"And do you Kim Taehyung take Jeon Jungkook to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Taehyung fondly looked at Jungkook.

"I pronounce you husbands and you may now kiss each other."

And with that, the two leaned in whispering "I love you" and kissed pouring in all their love.

"I want kissies too" Naeun rushed to her fathers and Jungkook lifted her in between the two, as they both placed kisses on their daughter's cheek, ready to start a new life and a new chapter.

—————————The end————————

(A/N: I have so many emotions going on as my first book has come to an end. Thankful to all the people who showed me love and support throughout. I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it 💜)

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