Chapter 46: The Wedding

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The guests had started to come in and the priest and the pianist were all set. It was a nerve wrecking day but also the most pleasant day for the both the grooms.

"I think I will explode from all the nervousness" Hosoek spoke, for the thousandth time as he rearranged his bow tie for the 100th time.

Taehyung chuckled at his friend and repeated the same thing he had been saying for the last one hour, "You will do just fine Hosoek. Besides, you are marrying the love of your life. It is the best feeling in the world. I am sure Yoongi feels the same way about it."

More than half a year of relationship between Hosoek and Yoongi had blossomed in such a way that the two couldn't even imagine life without each other anymore. When Yoongi was planning to return back to London, he couldn't even think leaving Hoseok behind and that was when he decided to pop the question. It was positively reciprocated by a crying mess of Hosoek but he had allowed the soldier to put a ring on his finger and decided to move with him to London for a new life and a new career.

Taehyung who needed a severe change of environment was suggested by all his friends and family to spend some time in London. All of them knew he was hurting so they figured a shift of environment would help him move on too. And he was in no state to object.

Taehyung recalls the last time he witnessed Jungkook in the fest. His eyes were longing to see him but he couldn't let his emotions take control over him and make Jungkook suffer again so he had silently handed over the parcel to Jessie and left for good.

"Lost again" Hoseok spoke, clicking his fingers in front of Taehyung.

Taehyung smiled and dismissed the topic saying he was wondering what Yoongi was doing which seemed to trigger Hosoek's back in track.

A maiden came in and suggested that it was time.

"Ready?" Taehyung spoke, offering his forearm for Hoseok which he gladly took because he could already feel his feet become wobbly.

"Will I be a bad person if I run away from the wedding now?" Hosoek spoke as he entered the alter hall with Taehyung by his side.

Taehyung who was aware his friend was nervous speaking tried to joke it out, "If you run away from the altar, I will have no option but to marry your fiancé. Do you want that?" He chuckled.

"I know you would die single than get married to my fiancé. And I don't want you to die so I think I will stay." Hosoek replied.

Soon enough, the hall door was opened and Taehyung let Hosoek walk the alter on his own. As soon as Hoseok's eyes met Yoongi's, all the anxiety, nervousness and pressure seemed to dissolve away and he could only see his fiancé smiling at him like he meant his world to him.

Taehyung stood close to the door and saw as the wedding ceremony proceeded. The two beautifully shared their wedding vows and Taehyung felt how if he hadn't hanged Yoongi, perhaps this love could have blossomed way back and perhaps his love relationship too would have taken another direction. But now wasn't the time to reflect on what could have possibly happened. Now was the time to be happy for what was happening.

"Do you take Min Yoongi to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked loudly.

"I do." Hosoek smiled.

"Do you take Jung Hosoek to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I most certainly do" Yoongi spoke flashing his gummy smile.

"I now pronounce you husbands and you may kiss-" before the sentence was even completed, Hosoek pulled Yoongi into his arms and kissed him dearly. The crowd cheered loudly and so did Taehyung sitting at the end of the hall. The newly married couple had a carriage awaiting outside as they had planned to go for their honeymoon trip right after the exchange of the vows due to time constraints.

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