Chapter 13: The Smile and The Frown

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Finally, finally.

Finally, the two had met and it felt like they couldn't take their eyes off each other. Jungkook's smile had the most magical effect on Taehyung. Like the stars that stay put and shine brightly in the moonlight, it seemed their hearts and eyes were brighting at its best. But all good things come to an end right? They both felt a something moving in between their space only to find a 3 year old tugging onto Jungkook's pant.

 "Papah, I mee-t too". Jungkook smiled and carried the little one. 

On the other hand, Taehyung's face suddenly lost the smile that had came after finally seeing the beautiful man.Papa. The word echoed in his mind like a bell.

"This is the youngest member of our group, Naeun."

. Naeun. 

Taehyung felt as if someone suddenly opened all the wounds he had been trying to heal for the last few years. The name his sister would be holding, the name he would be calling running around the house trying to tie his sister's pony tail and the name he would tell bed time stories. He could feel the tears forming in his eyes but he tried his level best to control it. Jungkook was no face reader but he could see Taehyung's face sulking suddenly, he felt as if something in him had triggered. But sadly, before he could ask anything, all the people came into the living room.

The clock seemed to the loudest sound in the living room. Taehyung had been seated in the middle of the room. He was about to review a book which the members had chosen for him. He was very nervous but something in the room took this anxiousness away.  The reassuring smile Jungkook was giving him with a small nod, who was seated in the sofa, holding Naeun in his lap. Taehyung then moved his eyes to the book he was clutching tightly in his hand that read, "Dombey and Son- By Charles Dickens" and went on.

"'Dear grandpapa, why do you cry when you kiss me?'He only answers, 'Little Florence! Little Florence!' and smooths away thecurls that shade her earnest eyes- The end

Taehyung slowly closed the book and finished his review on a ending note of the last line from the book. He slowly lifted his face up and scanned the room. Jungkook had a wide smile on his face, a proud one. And in the middle of no movement, Jessie stood up and clapped her hands echoing the entire room. 

"Marvelous, simply marvelous. That was by far the best review we have received in our club" Mr. Hitman said clapping his hand. 

Jihoon ran to Taehyung and hugged him, "It was amazing Taetae".

What happened next amazed everyone in the room. Naeun took tiny steps to Taehyung and while tugging on to his pant, he she looked up and said, "Hug, Tata, me too".

The sight literally melted everyone in the room and Taehyung picked her up like she was the most fragile thing and hugged her. Naeun had never been the one to open up to strangers so seeing her inclination towards Taehyung in such short time surprised everyone. Even Mrs. Park heart melted at this.

Dinner went on smoothly and they talked about different things. Families, friends, war were the issues they talked about. It was amazing how Taehyung seemed like a close friend already and seeing him talk about books and art so passionately, it had everyone hooked on him. But a frown appeared on everyone's face for what he asked next, "By the way, where is Park Jimin, the founder of this club? I have been wanting to meet him so badly".

As soon as the this question slipped out of his mouth, the atmosphere became gloomy but the one who seemed the most affected was Mrs. Park. She stood up immediately and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I assume the dinner is over." Her voice sounded stiff as if it was an announcement for everyone to leave. Everyone but Taehyung could understand the situation. Suddenly, Naeun who was asleep in Jungkook's arm woke up and in a sleepy voice she said, "Papah, go home?"

Jungkook had decided to drop Taehyung back to his stay over. On their way back, they hadn't spoken a word, for Taehyung he realized he had said something wrong and for Jungkook he didn't know what exactly to ask. 

Breaking the silence, Taehyung said, "Mr Jungkook, I am extremely sorry if I embarrassed you. First, I came here as an uninvited guest and then said things I shouldn't have. I feel like a complete idiot".

Jungkook simply smiled and said, "You don't have to apologize Mr. Taehyung. And regarding Mrs Park, she is just a private person so I wouldn't give much thought to it. And trust me, everyone is more than happy to have you here. In fact, I have never seen Naeun open up to anyone so quick."

When Jungkook brought it up, he couldn't help but think of something that had been slightly bothering him the whole night. If Naeun was his daughter, who was the mother? And as much as he knows, Jungkook wasn't interested in women. He was debating on whether he should ask it or not and shaking his head, as if he was talking to himself.

On there other hand, Jungkook who was side eyeing and taking glances at Taehyung was finding this view oddly cute and satisfying. He didn't know if it was Taehyung's cuteness or his obvliousness to the fact he was being observed, but he found it amusing to watch. He then decided to ask, "Mr Taehyung, is something bothering you?"

After being caught, he felt a bit embarrassed but he summed up the courage and asked, "Uhmm, Mr Jungkook, who is Naeun's mother because- because you know, you said you are into men and even if you have a husband, men can't give birth, like its not possible?

Taehyung is one of the smartest people, trust me he is,  but he felt so dumb at how he phrased his sentence in nervousness. He bit his lips closing his eyes and took a sigh, "I am so sorry what I mean was you know-"

"I understand." Jungkook smiled again. " Firstly, please call me Jungkook only, because adding a "mr" makes us sound so distant. Secondly, I am not married and Naeun's not my own daughter. She is Jimin's daughter. But I have been looking after her, ever since he left."

A pool of relief hit Taehyung's heart upon knowing Jungkook was still single but why? Similarly, another thing arose a curiosity in him. Where is Park Jimin? 

"First of all, I would feel much better if you call me Taehyung only." After contemplating for a while, he asked ," Second, if you don't mind me asking, where is Jimin?'

He could see the frown on Jungkook's face and immediately regretted it.

"I am sorry again, again for bombarding you with so many personal questions. I have brought nothing but frowns on your face ever since my arrival here. Ugh, I can be an ass sometimes."

Jungkook turned to Taehyung as they reached at Taehyung's stay and as he smiled, he said, "Taehyung, you have been nothing but sweet to me and everyone in the club. You sent a two books and a lovely painting to a complete stranger. I can only be thankful to you."

His words felt so reassuring to Taehyung. It seemed as if the way he spoke so calmly yet reassuringly seemed to take all his worries away. 

"I am honored" Taehyung said. They both stood in front of the gate in silence.

"This is it I guess". After a pause, " I will be taking my leave now. Goodnight, Taehyung" Jungkook said handing over the flowers he had brought for him.

Taehyung forced a smile and said, " Goodnight then Jungkook". God he didn't want to leave. 

As Taehyung was about to enter in, Jungkook called and Taehyung turned back to hear, "Thank you for letting me put a face to your beautiful name,.......Taehyung. Bouan Gniet"

And with this, Taehyung entered in the house with the biggest grin on his face like an idiot and went off to dreamland. 

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