Chapter 45: The Book

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Jungkook doesn't know how but he slept through the morning without even being aware that Naeun had been dropped off to Mrs Park house by Eunwoo when he had left early in the morning. Groaning from the sore throat and swollen eyes due to the crying, he went to the kitchen surprised to see breakfast prepared and a note.

Dear Jungkook,
I left early morning and didn't want to awake you. So, I prepared breakfast, the soup will help you too. Naeun insisted on going to her grandmother's house so I dropped her off. I hope you don't mind.


Jungkook was thankful that his daughter wasn't there for she would question him constantly over his sullen face, something she had to learn to differentiate over the years. He was grateful that he didn't have to meet Eunwoo as he wasn't sure how to address the whole situation with him. Doing the dishes, he looked at the date on the calendar only to find that the club had decided to do meet today after a long period. Not going wasn't an option as they had planned a gathering after a long time. Also, for how long could he avoid things because it seemed as they were only piling on making things worse for him. He decided to rest the whole day so that he would at least look presentable during the gathering.

Night fell quick and he was on his way to the Park residence. Usually, when he would be approaching the house, he would be accompanied by loud noises coming from inside the house ensuring everyone's arrival. But tonight, even when he stepped right in front of the door, there seemed to pin drop silence. Confused he knocked, only to be surprised by Eunwoo opening the door.

"Eunwoo, I wasn't expecting you to be here." He said quickly realizing it sounded a bit rude, so he clarified. "What I meant was you never came to the gatherings earlier that's why."

"I didn't mean to intrude tonight but tonight something important came up with Jessie and I had to be present. Come in and we'll discuss."

Jungkook was surprised to see everyone seated in the living room, looking at him hesitantly.

"Is everything alright?" He asked, when the question should have been the other way round seeing his situation lately.

"Why don't you take a seat?" Mrs Park suggested, calmly.

Then, Jessie pulled up a box from her side and took out a book from in it. Initially, Jungkook thought it was the book they were going to review tonight but from the looks of it, it seemed like a different book from what had been last discussed.

"Has there been a change of plan, something I am not aware of?" He asked.

Jessie took a long breath and spoke, "This is Taehyung's book."

Jungkook felt he didn't hear her properly and asked her to repeat.

"I am sorry what?"

And this time Jessie spoke clearly, "Jungkook there's something you need to know and please keep in mind, the reason we are telling you this is because we want you to be happy. And Eunwoo has also felt that way."

"I am getting confused" Jungkook sounded unsure. "Please come to the point."

Jessie looked at Eunwoo and he nodded her to proceed with the truth. "Last month, Taehyung had come to the town to visit us but then apparently he saw you with Eunwoo and felt his arrival would ruin your fresh start and he left immediately."

Jungkook was not even being able to process that Taehyung had come to city and witness his new love affair and left without a word until Jessie spoke again.

"And he, he came again last night as well."

"What!!!!!!!?" Jungkook spoke, abruptly getting up from his chair.

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