Chapter 31: The Colors of Love

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Jungkook took full advantage of the fact that his daughter would stay at her grandmother's house.

He started with a kiss on Taehyung's forehead which gradually moved to his nose then to his lips and neck. He didn't leave one space or inch and made sure that every inch of Taehyung's body was marked in his love. Both of them knew that the sudden confession had sparked desires which they never felt earlier and it had to be fulfilled tonight. Before proceeding further, he slowly unbuttoned his own shirt and thew it aside. Taehyung's eyes widened seeing Jungkook's body at this proximity and he could tell it was better than his smoothest canvas.

Jungkook slowly unbuttoned Taehyung's shirt one by one. It was painfully slow but Taehyung knew what was to come ahead would be immensely gratifying. Once all the boundaries of the button were removed, Jungkook removed the shirt and discarded it on the floor. He then slowly dived down onto Taehyung's collarbone and started biting it gently.

As on reflex, Taehyung dived his fingers into Jungkook's back digging them deeper. The paint covered on his fingers started painting an art on his back which was more beautiful than any painting he had made. As if signaling him to go even stronger, he dug them harder. It suddenly felt electric and unreal when Jungkook's lips met the protruded nipples caused by the arousal Taehyung was feeling. Taehyung arched his back with a tight grip on his back while Jungkook's mouth danced around his chest. Jungkook made sure to pay equal attention to every inch of the chest. Gradually, his tongue moved towards Taehyung's abdomen which was moving along the rhythm of his heavy breathing. He gently kissed and bit the parts and all Taehyung could do was to give into the pleasure.

It was unbearable to have this feeling experienced by Jungkook's lips and just when he thought it couldn't get any better, he felt Jungkook slowly pulling his pants down using his teeth. Before things escalated, Jungkook looked at Taehyung as if asking for permission to which he nodded. Even in times of no control and urgency, Jungkook always knew his boundaries and took permission and that was something Taehyung adored about Jungkook. This was all it took for the latter to pull the pants down leaving Taehyung's untouched skin and body parts beautifully naked.

For the first time, Taehyung felt so vulnerable yet equally proud. The vulnerability came with the idea that he had fallen in love with someone so much that he was being so intimate with a man, who he wasn't sure of a future with. The pride came with how the other man was worshipping his body and giving him forms of pleasure he had never experienced.

Jungkook moved upwards and started kissing Taehyung again, with great passion and love. Whilst doing so, his clothed lower body was creating a movement that made Taehyung wrap his legs around Jungkook's pulling him in. A little taken aback by the latter's enthusiasm, he giggled, " Someone's getting eager."

Taehyung on the other hand was a complete mess. He couldn't take bear the idea of the clothes in between them anymore.

"Please take off your clothes" Taehyung requested, as if it meant the only means to save him at the moment.

Jungkook got up and slowly started taking his pants. He knew Taehyung was getting embarrassed and annoyed with the fact he was doing it intentionally, but he was loving the expression. Before he could fully throw them, Taehyung's last drop of patience gave in and he flipped them so that he was sitting on top of Jungkook.

The close proximity of their completely naked bodies gave rise to a tension that didn't even existed in the room before. Taehyung had mentally noted all the things that Jungkook did to his body and one by one, replicated them so that Jungkook felt the same pleasure as he did. If anything, the movements only built more desire that longed for a fulfillment.

When Jungkook felt he had to do something, he took control and got the other boy pinned under him.

"As much as I am enjoying the things you are doing to me Tae, like I said, this is my way of showing you how much I love you. Let me be the one who pleasures you."

Then without missing any part, Jungkook kissed his way down when he finally came in contact with Taehyung's intimate part. Unexperienced yet informed, Jungkook slowly took in his mouth Taehyung's manhood.


It was the feeling Taehyung felt when slowly and gradually Jungkook moved his mouth. His grip on the bed sheet increased and whatever of the paint was left, painted the bed too. His beautiful moans further encouraged Jungkook and he made sure to continue doing whatever he was doing, if anything going faster. It was a foreign feeling yet he could feel his body wanting to let go of the knot that was forming strongly.

"Jung-kook. I-I can't, I h-ave to let go!"

Jungkook perfectly knew what the other meant and as a confirmation, he increased his movement which took the last brim of control Taehyung had and he released in his mouth. As much as gratifying it was, he also felt a sense of guilt having released his satisfaction into the other's mouth. Taehyung was someone who barely pleasured himself and given this physical intimacy was his first time, it obviously made him feel a bit guilty. But before he could further indulge in that, Jungkook came close to his face. He gently tugged the sweaty hair behind Taehyung's ear and whispered, "You are the most beautiful man I have laid my eyes on Taehyung. And the sounds you make are music to my ears. I don't think I can ever get enough of them."

Taehyung felt extremely shy and tried to cover his face. But Jungkook took a hold of his hands and pinned them on his head.

"I haven't even started Tae." And the sentence was enough to let him know that it was indeed going to be a long night.

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