Chapter 27: The Doctor

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Thousands of stars were sparkling in their mind and as they slowly opened their eyes, their eyes showed the same thing. For a minute they didn't speak a word, just looked at each other, afraid that this might be a dream and if they speak, they might just wake up.

Jungkook slowly brought one of his hand and traced his fingers on Taehyung's cheeks and Taehyung simply melted into the touch closing his eyes.

"I don't know how would I have lived if anything had happened to you?" Jungkook slowly spoke.

Taehyung opened his eyes and responded, " And I don't know what would I have done if anything had happened to you Jungkook."

He hid himself in Jungkook's embrace again not wanting to let go anymore.

After a long pause, Jungkook hesitantly spoke again. "Tae, do-do you have a boyfriend?" He could feel Taehyung's body stiffen in his embrace.

Since Taehyung didn't respond, he thought now wasn't the best time to drop the question so he decided not to pressure him but Taehyung knew he had to answer this sooner or later.

"Yoongi, his name is Yoongi. He's a close friend of Jin and Namjoon hyung. I had never dated anyone before and hyung thought that it would be best if I had someone in my life too. Initially, I was hesitant but after a while, I realized Yoongi was a nice person and I genuinely started enjoying his company. I did start liking him but I doubt if I loved him, even now. Right before I was about to come here, he asked me if I would want to be his boyfriend and I said yes. It wasn't an impulsive decision but it wasn't out of love too." Taehyung poured his heart out with all honesty. He was tired of keeping up a barrier with Jungkook.

Jungkook could feel the honesty in his answer. He didn't speak any word but his tighter grip send his answer to Taehyung.

After a pause, Taehyung asked, "Jungkook, did you love Jimin?"

Jungkook was taken aback with the sudden question but after awhile, he answered.


Taehyung felt a sudden sting in his heart. The recent series of events had all indicated that but perhaps his heart wasn't ready to accept the answer.

Before his sting could become more painful, Jungkook added, " I loved him, but only as a true friend. He was, no, he is my source of courage and kindness. He helped me see life in ways I could never. He was also the one who helped me come out of my shelf and accept myself for who I was. I was even attracted to him first, possibly one of the reasons I realized I was into men but it was rather short lived. Our bond as friendship surpassed everything."

Taehyung had a content smile on his lips, like the one he would have whenever he would finish one of his paintings.

"Do you want to eat something Jungkook?" Taehyung said raising his head.

Jungkook hadn't eaten anything so he thought for a while and said, "Yes."

"What should I prepare for you?"

"Anything but don't forget to give me your special medicines time to time."

It didn't take Taehyung long this time to understand and he lightly punched Jungkook's chest out of embarrassment.

"Ouch, it hurts."

Taehyung thought he was serious and panicked, "Oh god, I am sorry, are you hurt there?"

"Yes Tae, the hurt of being denied of my medicines. My heart hurts."

"Good lord gracious, aren't you a cheesy one?" Taehyung said and laughed.

 And after he was done, there was it again, the moment of being lost in each other's eyes and leaning in closer.

"Papah" Naeun shouted and ran towards the bed. She jumped on top of Jungkook next to Taehyung and placed her hand around Taehyung's waist.

"I missed you Papah, what happened here?" She said pointing to his bandage.

"Papa got a wound princess. That's why." He said.

"Is that why Tata was giving you kissy medicine?" She asked in the most innocent way possible.

Taehyung became beet red and jumped up from the bed, standing next to it only to realize that Doctor Suho was standing there at the door, trying his level best to hide his grin.

"I am going to go and prepare something for Jungkook to eat." He said rushing out of the door.

The rest of three simply laughed at his cuteness.

"How are you feeling Jungkook?" Dr Suho asked looking at the injury.

"I am fine Suho. It stings a little but it's fine otherwise. I just feel very drowsy and tired though." Jungkook responded.

"Well, that will happen for a day or two and then you will be fine. Now all you need is rest. And if it makes you feel any better, Jay was arrested."

The news made Jungkook happy from the core of his heart.

"And if you don't mind me asking, what exactly is your relationship with this "author plus painter?" His tone sounding extremely teasing.

"He is a very important person Suho. He is like the typewriter to my books let's say."

Suho tilted Jungkook's head right and left on the pillow and frowned his face, "How badly are you hurt Jeon? I don't remember you being the cheesy one."

Jungkook simply laughed at his remark.

"Papa, I am going to go and help Tata okay." Naeun said and rushed off to the kitchen making the two male smile.

"She has grown very well Jungkook. You have raised her well." Suho said warmly.

"It is Jimin's upbringing Suho. I just look after her. She is an angel just like her father."

"I couldn't have agreed more. I remember the first time I had held her when she came out into this world, she was so tiny and so precious. And now, she's all grown and big, helping your "typewriter" in the kitchen." Suho said mockingly.

"Oh shut up" Jungkook said rolling his eyes.

"By the way, have you heard anything from him or from anyone else?" Suho asked, his tone serious.

"No Suho. Last I checked, Bogum told me he was in Poland but ever since that, we haven't heard from him."

"Do you think he's still alive?" Suho asked nervously.

"Honestly, I don't know Suho. When I think how strong he is, I still have hope and there are times when I just lose hope." Jungkook said sadly.

"I am sure he's alive Jeon. He will fight his way back".

Little did they know Taehyung was right outside when they were having this conversation.

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