Chapter 23: The Family Potrait

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The next two days finished in the blink of an eye. Taehyung doesn't even know how but somehow, he would always end up at the Jeon residence laughing and playing with Naeun and Jungkook. Not that they were complaining. For instance, even now they were busy hanging a family portrait in the main entrance of the house.

Like the earlier day, when he was coming out from the library, he bumped into Jungkook and Naeun who were returning from shopping. Naeun excitedly hugged him and they ended up going to the night market.

As they were walking around, a photographer stopped them and said, " What a cute little family you have Messieurs. Perhaps, you would like a family portrait with your daughter?"

Upon hearing this, the two became beet red. I mean it looked like they were the most domestic family ever. Taehyung carrying Naeun while Jungkook's hand were filled with items, who wouldn't be confused? Plus their behavior around each other was like a newly wedded couple so it didn't come off as a surprise.

"Papah, can we take a photo, plweease?" Naeun asked, voice laced with sweetness. Both the men had no option but to comply.

They placed all their bags at the side and awkwardly sat in front of the camera as if they were posing for a passport size photo or for an army selection process.

"Messieurs, don't be so stiff. Relax yourself and smile a bit" the photographer said smiling.

Taehyung thought he was bad and awkward at posing but when he looked sideways and saw Jungkook, he burst into laughter. Jungkook looked like he was a warrior getting his portrait done.

"Mister, how about you carry the child in your hand and you mister stay on this side?" He suggested.

Jungkook carried Naeun and suggested Taehyung stood next to Jungkook. However, something was still missing from the photo.

"Something is missing in the photo" the photographer said analyzing the pose. " Ahh I know, Sir can you put your other arm around your husband?" He said directing to Jungkook.

Husband. The word crashed into their ears and hearts like missile bombs. But both of them didn't correct the man so it was safe to say they liked the "assumption".

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and his eyes looked like they were asking for permission. Taehyung smiled and gave a nod which was a green signal for Jungkook.

Shyly and hesitantly, Jungkook placed his hand around Taehyung's shoulder.

"Parfait" the photographer said and took the shot.

"Now for the second shot, what shall we do?" The photographer asked.

To this Taehyung's mind became a little mischievous and while Jungkook was busy thinking of a pose, he looked at Naeun and mouthed her, "Tickles".

The photographer was quick to observe this and knew his perfect shot was coming.

"Ok, 1, 2 and 3"


Jungkook was holding the chair Taehyung was standing on who was very focused on getting the frame perfect.

"Alriggggght, this looks perfect" Taehyung says, proud at himself.

Slowly, as he was about to get off the stool, his legs wobbled from standing up for so long and as he was about to hit the floor, he closed his eyes tight thinking he was about to get quite a meet with the floor. But instead, he felt a strong pair of arms carrying him in a bridal style.

He peeked through one eye, the other still closed and saw Jungkook who was looking at him with a warm smile.

He then slowly opened both his eyes and smiled warmly at Jungkook.

"Thank you Jungkook" he said shyly at the position they were in.

"You know I could write a book on how many times I have had to save and hold you like this?" Jungkook teases Taehyung, but what he said was absolutely true.

He slowly placed him down, his hands still on Taehyung's waist while Taehyung had them placed on his shoulders. The two were slowly looking at each other and smiling. They didn't even realize but the two were so lost in each other that they were slowly leaning in. Their heartbeats were going in crazy speed and the proximity could have made it audible for the two as well. 

"I want hugs toooo" Naeun came running into the living and squeezed in between the two. 

The two realized what was about to happen and both retracted away quickly. 

Throughout the dinner, Taehyung was silent, oddly silent which made Jungkook feel as if the earlier action was a wrong move. After having dinner and waving his good bye a little too quickly, he was about to step of out of the house. But unlike earlier days, he felt quite uneasy. Everytime he would be coming out Jungkook's place, he would feel happy and content but tonight he felt uneasy. The uneasiness made him stop at his feet at the main door and seeing this hesitance in behavior, Jungkook cane towards him,

"Hey, what happened?" He asked worriedly.

"Huh" Taehyung was brought back to reality. He didn't know how much sense he was going to make but he felt he needed to share it with Jungkook.

"I- I don't know Jungkook. I am suddenly feeling uneasy, as if something bad is about to happen you know. Or maybe I am just overthinking but I am feeling it so strongly. I am just blabbering for no reason." Taehyung finished.

"Hey, hey it's fine. And Taehyung, ab-about earlier, sorry if I made you uncomfortable" he said cupping Taehyung's cheek. It was such a reflexive action that he didn't realize it until he saw Taehyung closing his eyes and relaxing into his hold. But since, Taehyung seemed fine, he gently caressed his cheeks with his thumb and added, "If it's fine by you, you can stay over Tae. I don't have problem."

Taehyung would love the idea but occasionally he was reminded that he had a boyfriend back in his home too. But it wasn't only the guilt that was making him feel uneasy. A very bad instinctual feeling took over him, as if something bad was about to happen. Uneasily, he pulled Jungkook's hand down and said, " It's fine Jungkook. I have to get some work done too so I will get going."

" I will drop you then?" Jungkook asked observing the sudden change in his demeanor.

"No, no that's fine Jungkook. Plus Naeun will be alone. I will be manage. Take care and goodnight" he said and smiled. But somehow, the smile didn't seem genuine, it rather seemed sad and nervous.

This created the similar feeling of uneasiness as he saw Taehyung's figure getting away and smaller into the dim moonlight. Suddenly he was worried and  though everything in the surrounding seemed peaceful, the both felt something bad was about to happen, a big storm. And they weren't the only one who were seeing this, another pair of eyes followed all these who was most likely to be that source of the storm.

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