TD|| Deadbeat

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The sun beamed down on the blinds, pieces of clothing flew all over the bedroom creating small piles here and there

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The sun beamed down on the blinds, pieces of clothing flew all over the bedroom creating small piles here and there. Bree let out a loud sigh glaring at the digital clock on the wall.

She was over thirty minutes late for work because she couldn't just seem to find anything fashionable to match the weather outside. Plus she had spent most of the night up staring at the ceiling allowing thoughts to cloud her mind.

Seeing Shamar at the cafe was somehow a trigger for her. It was weird that when she decides to leave town he does the same and they end up in the same place. But at least this time things were different, they were two different people.

She believed that leaving him and men alone in general were the best thing that ever happened to her. She wasn't happy but who needs happiness when you have everything that you've ever wanted.

Being with Shamar didn't make her happy anyway, it just brought out a terrible side of her. A side that did bad things. He isn't the man for her or maybe he is. It was all a question of maybe.

"No because Shamar ain't shit bro!" She exclaimed pacing back and forth. It had been six months since she last saw or heard from the father of her child. When she finally decided to be the bigger person and hash things out with him she found out that he had moved.

She placed two fingers on her temples massaging them. She was so angry that her head ached and her veins popped out. "Maria calm down. Have you tried calling him atleast?" Shayla looked over at her bestfriend.

Maria only glared at her before cracking the seal on the bottle of liquor. She held it up to her mouth downing almost half of the brown liquor.

She felt used. Over the three year period Maria and Shamar still had a sexual relationship, whenever he needed sex he called her. Foolishly she thought she meant something to him. After the big argument they had six months ago she decided to cut all ties off with him. But she could care less about her and her child's father relationship, it was about the kid at this point.

Sky was the spitting image of Shamar and she had adapted his ways. It hurt more watching her daughter throw tantrums in the middle of the night just so she could see her father. Now here she was drinking because she felt hopeless and stupid. She should've never let her guard down.

"Ok maybe we could ask around see if anyone's heard from him?"

"Shay! Don't you get it? He's gone! And you know what? He's probably dead or in jail, where he belongs for being a piece of shit!"

Shayla slouched further into the plush sofa tugging on her hoodie strings, she traced over the fat diamond ring that was resting on her finger. Things between her and Drake were smooth sailing. But somehow Bree still managed to put a dent in their marriage and because of that she felt insecure. "Maybe he ran off with that Asian bitch."

Glancing over at his wristwatch he pushed the glass doors open entering the building. All eyes were on him, from the clothes he wore and the stench of cannabis that he carried with him just showed that he didn't belong.

Breezy's eyes scanned the office before a white lady approached him. He knew he set off a few alarms just by being in the building. It amazed him how he was seen as a threat without even speaking. "Ca-Can I help you with something?" Her voice came out shakey as she attempted to speak to the stranger.

Before he could open his mouth to say something a white man came trailing behind the woman. "Let me handle this karen." He touched her shoulder stepping in front of her. He and Breezy were now face to face. "I don't know what do you think this is but you cant be in here with that on your face." He pointed at the rag that covered most of his face. "Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

"Anyway y'all know whea' Bree at?"

"Sir i said t-"

"Ok and? Nobody asked you what you said.. y'all white folks stay tripping." He pushed pass the two employees walking further down into the building.

"Shamar? What are you doing here?"

"Don't call me that in public I don't need folks knowing my government."

Ignoring his wishes she repeated herself "What are you doing here?"

"We need ta' talk."


Until next time🙂

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