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      It was another gloomy day in the city with dark clouds parading in the sky

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      It was another gloomy day in the city with dark clouds parading in the sky. Skating down the street was an all-black Porsche, sitting in the passenger seat Bree wore a scowl. "Why the fuck would you turn the music up if I told you to turn it down? Are you stupid? Is that it Shamar?"

He stabbed the gas pedal glaring over at her, "Stop bitching 'bout everything my shit not loud."

"You're stupid. How are you going to tell me its not loud? You know what forget it." She slouched down further into her seat and turned towards the window.

Bree was six months into her pregnancy, and her emotions were all over the place. Today was one of those days that everything he did annoyed her.

The vehicle slowed down circling around the parking lot of the huge shopping center. Looking over at her Breezy shook his head "You wanna go home? Because I can take ya' ass home if you don't wanna be here."

Bree shot him a look pushing the car door open, her feet touched the ground as she wobbled towards the automatic doors of the store. Breezy kissed his teeth following behind her "You ain't gotta have an attitude every time"

"I don't? If you can tell me where you were last night then I swear I'll drop the attitude if you fail to do so, well then leave me alone and go be with that other hoe."

Digging his nails into his scruffy beard he looked over at her, "I ain't been with no bitch."

"Oh yeah so who were you with then?"

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it. "That's what I thought as soon as we have this baby I'm leaving you, them hoes can have you. You're forgetting who was with you when you were going through it now you wanna-"

"Ay, can we get some help? It's our first time y'know baby shopping." Breezy turned towards an employee. "Uhh tyra?" He scanned over her name tag before flashing a smile.

Bree folded her arms glaring at Breezy before drifting off further into the store.

Things were rocky between the two for a while. Bree felt like she's going through the pregnancy alone, due to Shamar never being home or not spending enough time. On Shamar's end he saw no harm in what he was doing, they were expecting a child and there was money to be made.

Hours had passed and the two were now at home, Breezy sat on the carpet floor with wooden pieces of baby boy's crib scattered around him. The satellite phone propped up on his shoulder as he multitasked, trying to talk to a connect and put together a crib. "Yea I robbed the house the fuck they gon' do 'bout it? Call the police?" He chuckled.

In the other room, Bree laid across the bed rubbing her hand over her stomach feeling a kick every now and then. "What should I name you? Huh? Armani? Do you like that? Hm, what about Carson?" She shook her head giggling when she didn't get a kick in response to the names. "I guess you don't like those names lets see what dad is up to." Bree crawled out of bed footing over to the nursery.

"Are you leaving tonight?" She watched as he stood over the crib rocking it back and forth testing to see if it was sturdy. "Just got off the phone with my people.. y'know what I can stay for a while don't gotta leave right away."

"I was going over names with the baby and he doesn't seem to like any of my suggestions."

Breezy chuckled plopping down the bear-shaped couch they bought earlier, he fiddled with the stuffed animals looking over at Bree. "Because those names are ass, my son's name gotta be different, shit like Cole, Chévaro, Cree, V- hold up though that Cole kinda hard."

"Cole? Do you want to name my son Cole? What's wrong with Armani?"

"Man everybody kid got that name for real."

"Ok and Carson? What's wrong with Carson?"

"I understand that its yo' grandfather's name or whatever it's just not for my son." Breezy stood up from the chair checking his wristwatch "I gotta head out though. Don't wait up fa' me."

On the outskirts of the city was a series of abandoned cottages, there was nothing here but grass and old for sale signs. "What we doin' out here yo?" Breezy looked to Pablo, one of his connects. Pablo was Linky's boss & father with Linky being gone now he'd have to deal with Breezy himself.

"I know I've always wanted to look my killer in the eyes before I die, but that won't be happening because I'm untouchable." Pablo slipped on a pair of leather gloves. "And I thought my son was untouchable too, but now he's six feet under while you're out here.." he trailed off, "Playing dollhouse with your girlfriend and parading around the nut houses instead of getting revenge." Pablo clutched onto the pistol in his coat walking circles around Breezy as he spoke.

"Look no one wanted Linky dead, it was meant for me, and don't speak on my private life like that.. shit don't got nothin' to do with you."

Pablo pressed the pistol against Breezy's neck while strangling him with his free hand "You have three days to find my son's killer if you fail then you'll be the one six feet under."


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