TD|| Boy toy

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His fingers sifted through the wand of cash, Breezy smiled to himself showcasing a mouth full of diamond teeth

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His fingers sifted through the wand of cash, Breezy smiled to himself showcasing a mouth full of diamond teeth.

Finally, he didn't feel the stress of being on the run, their story was no longer making the media. It's one thing about the world is that it's gone keep movin'. People had moved on and was now talking about other things. It was even safe to return home but they both knew it would only bring the heat back. They would never be able to return home.

Start a new life? Yea.

Breezy was already back on the streets making new money with the same old hustle.

       Standing in front of the body length mirror she turned stretching her eyes around her small figure. She did a little twirl in her dress before giggling to herself.

Bree clutched onto the small handbag before skipping out of the room. She rolled her eyes stepping down the spiral staircase, his presence always killed her mood.

"Y'know if you don't like me you can go." Smoke escaped from his lips, while his teeth glistened.

Continuing down the stairs she turned her head biting down on her lip, she didn't like him but he was still something to look at. "Shamar or Breezy whatever the fuck you go by these days, where are the car keys?"

"Whea' you goin'?"

Ignoring him she shuffled around the living room in search of the keys. "Whea' Bree?" He leaned to the side pulling out a set of keys "Hea' i got em." Breezy tossed the keys at her.

"Did you really have to hit me with it? You're really trying it today."

"Don't you have somewhea' ta be?"

"Yep, I'm late for my date." She smirked pulling the front door open. She didn't have to look back for his reaction because she had already pictured the look on his face.

The cherry red convertible they shared sat out front the home with the top down. Bree slipped inside the car tossing her handbag in the backseat. She cranked up the car taking one last glance in the rearview.

Over the past two months, she learned the ways of the new city and took advantage of it. She was back on the prowl again getting money the best way she knew how, using men.

If Breezy was allowed to rob people and sell drugs on the streets for cash. Why couldn't she use her charm to get a bag?

The convertible was parked in front of a restaurant. Stepping out of the car the fresh breeze brushed against her skin.

"You're always late. Why?" He leaned on the car hood, staring over at her.

She paused for second taking a moment to just stare at him. Breezy was handsome but Desmond's looks were captivating. Desmond was tall, dark skin, with some tattoos littering his body, his braids were always neat and most importantly he had cash.

Desmond was one of those cocky rich kids that went around blowing their parent's money.

"That's because I'm in no rush, now shall we?" She smiled looking over at him. "We shall did you wear this for me?" He smirked grabbing a handful of her butt.

It wasn't for him it was to get a reaction out of Breezy, but she'd make him feel like it was. Tilting her head to the side she looked in him in the eyes "All for you."

       Breezy slipped into a pair of Ralph Lauren pajama pants, lately, he's been splurging money on all kinds of things. He bought more designer than usual, he owned all kinds of jewels some stolen and some bought with stolen money.

His fingers traced over the "600" tattoo he had, he smiled thinking back to those days. If only he knew that living recklessly would get him in this situation he would've listened to his mother taking the regular route by going to college.

With his hands on his side, he looked out the window. The sun was slowly fading and the street lights were almost on, as usual, Bree wasn't home. She usually crept inside at the wee hours of the night.

He squinted his eyes at the red convertible that came strolling down the street, his eyebrows twisted when he noticed an unfamiliar face driving. "The fuck."

Breezy left out the room jogging down the spiral staircase.

Bree stepped out of the car pausing when she saw Breezy standing by the door "Oops. " she giggled looking over at Desmond and then Breezy one more time. It was obvious that she was wasted her demeanor and the scent of alcohol was all over her.

Breezy shook his head at her while Desmond stared at Breezy, he was puzzled. "What is this? You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend, look man if you're looking to fight you can have her."

Breezy chuckled snatching the car keys out of Desmond's hand, "Nah ain't nobody fighting over that, she single. Why you hea'?"

Desmond took a step back glancing over at Bree who was still staring at the both of them. "She's drunk and I couldn't just let her drive home you know.." he trailed off with a smirk on his face "So do you mind if I help her to her room?"

Breezy tapped Desmond on the shoulder pointing at the sidewalk "You should hit the road homie."

"Ouch," Desmond muttered holding up his hands in surrender he did as told and began walking down the street. "So you can have bitches in here but I can't have anyone?"

He scoffed brushing pass her "Don't nobody be up hea' but me and you and people that need to be, if I wanna fuck bitches I take 'em elsewhere. So keep them lame ass niggas the fuck outta hea'." He pushed open the front door stepping inside the house with Bree hot on his trail.

She folded her arms "Lame? At least they're not crazy."

She was drunk, she didn't know what she was saying, she didn't mean to offend anyone. Those thoughts didn't even cross his mind when he snapped his body around.

Bree's eyes widened when she saw how fast he was coming at her, there was no time to run.

He held a death grip on her throat, staring into her eyes. She struggled to breathe squirming and scratching on his arm. "Shamar stop." She whimpered feeling nothing but pain shoot up her spine. Tears cascaded down her face while she tried her best to pry his arm off of her.

When she looked at him for mercy she saw nothing but darkness.


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