TD|| Do you want me to stay?

441 17 3

Music spilled through the speakers echoing throughout the empty room

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Music spilled through the speakers echoing throughout the empty room. Her feet swayed over the hardwood floors, her body moved flawlessly and effortlessly. She pranced around the room creating dance moves. This was her way of expressing her pain, she told stories with her feet.

Steam escaped from the cup of coffee he held, standing in the doorway Desmond stared at her. Every day she spent here it was something new about her. "When were you going to tell me that you're a dancer?"

A hint of embarrassment touched her face. "How long were you standing there?" Bree always got shy when someone caught her dancing.

"Long enough to see that you're a dancer, so when were you going to tell me about your hidden talent babe?"

Two months had passed and she still didn't return back to her old home. Over time her and Desmond's relationship started to sprout there was a form of love in the air. Being with someone new felt like coming up for fresh air after being underwater.

They had the type of thing that made her think of a future. This only made her heartache there was no way she'd be able to have a future with anyone.

"I wouldn't say its a talent or call myself a dancer because I'm just ordinary you know."

"Ordinary? I'm pretty sure an ordinary person can't dance like that, you're a dancer."

She leaned over tapping the pause button on the speaker, "Aren't you suppose to be at work?"

"Yea but that can wait, you know my mom owns a dance studio and my parents so happen to be coming over tonight."

Her face wrinkled up with confusion, "You're letting me meet your parents? T-tonight?"

He nodded making his way down the hall "I'm leaving for work now, see you tonight."

She stood there in a trance, she knew things were getting serious between them. But meeting his parents at such short notice was a bit overwhelming.

       The denim shorts he wore hung below his waist with a designer belt wrapped around his pants and a gun clinging to his side. Breezy leaned against the wall with a red cup in his hand. The party was packed with people but he still managed to keep his gaze fixed on her.

She obviously didn't come to the party her outfit and her uncomfortable expressions gave it away. She was headed straight for him but he turned his head. She went two months without speaking to him so there was no reason for her to be stomping her way through the crowd to him.

He felt a light tap on his shoulder and turned coming face to face with her. "Can we talk? Please."

"Say what you gotta say Bree."

"Can we go somewhere more private this is serious Shamar."

He chuckled grabbing a hold of her hand drifting off into the crowd. He let go of her hand pushing open the sliding door, "We can talk in hea'."

She stepped inside the room hugging herself when she was hit by the cold air-conditioned air. He slid the door close looking over at her "What you want?"

She took a seat on the loveseat feeling a bit nervous by him. "Desmond and I are getting serious and he wants me to meet his parents tonight." Bree fiddled with her fingers avoiding eye contact with him.

"Oh." He paused."That's cute n all but I ain't had ta' know that."

"I don't need you to be an ex-boyfriend right now I need you to be a friend because you're the only friend that I have so can you please put whatever we have going on aside right now."

"You different for real yo. So you show up after two months of speaking to me and then ask me ta' be ya' friend." He let out a soft chuckle shaking his head. "You really like him huh?"

She slowly nodded her head "I do."

It bruised his ego hearing her admit that she liked someone else, even scarred his heart a bit. He took a seat beside her "So what's the problem? Y'know we practically free ova' hea' right? Ain't no one knows us and we not the topic anymore."

"It's not that. He caught me dancing this morning and brought up his mom having a dance studio and then he just dumped his parents on me, I don't think I'm ready for that."

"What's wrong with meeting the li' nigga parents?"

She sighed "Did you not hear me say I'm not ready for it."

"Then tell him that not me, why you come all the way ova' hea' if you already know youn' wanna meet his parents. You think it's ok to rub this shit in my face?"

"Ok so this is turning in a different direction so I'm gonna just head out."

"Gone then, leave."

She leaned forward to get up from the chair but only sat back down. "Do you want me to?"

       Desmond paced back and forth in the living room, it was almost six o'clock his parents would be here soon and Bree was nowhere to be found. Every time he called her phone only went to voicemail.

He sighed glancing out the window that's when he saw her. She hopped out the front seat of the convertible soon he heard the front door locks twist open.

She greeted him with a warm smile, "Hey, why do you look upset?"

Desmond stuck his tongue in his jaw shaking his head at her. "You're talking to him again? I guess I didn't know that either."

"Des' seriously chill I got scared earlier and I needed someone to talk to."

"Someone, to talk to? You could've told me you were scared, Bree. Did you really just talk because you reek of his cologne."

Bree brushed past him, "I'm going to take a shower and prepare for when your parents get here all of this what you're trying to start is unnecessary nothing happened Desmond." She looked him in the eyes and lied to him.


Bree doing what she does best.

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