TD|| Thats how you feel

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Water shot up from her mouth, quickly she flipped over on her knees erupting in a series of coughs. Getting a taste of the fresh air that surrounded her, her eyes lingered around until they found him standing over her.

Nothing but darkness washed over her face as she stood to her feet. Looking him in the eyes she said "Why did you save me? Why couldn't you just let me go?"

It began to feel suffocating, her life felt suffocating. Like he was smothering her, from the beginning of their story she felt smothered. He was the only man that no matter what she did she couldn't get over him, she always found herself back in his arms.

Shamar was baffled by her words and it showed. He just stood there. "Nah you don't mean that."

Her eyes became red and glossy she raised her voice, "Why did you save me!"

"Because you were drowning! What the fuck do you mean! Was I supposed to just let you die?"

"You should've just let me go Shamar! You should've just.." She pounded on his chest before breaking down into tears.

His arms wrapped around her small figure while she cried harder tossing and turning in his grip. "Stop it! Stop suffocating me! I don't want this. I never asked for this, I don't want to feel loved by you."

I don't want to feel loved by you, her words were sharp like a dagger spearing straight into the heart. "I hate you Shamar, I hate you!" She spat using all of her strength to shove him away from her. "You're bad luck everything bad that has happened to me is because of you and I mean every single word."

He stared at her long and hard before he changed to his regular nonchalant demeanor "Then leave."

The air was filled with so many emotions and none of them were good. Shamar felt dead inside without Bree he had nothing, he felt like nothing just empty inside. After all that they've been through, all that he did just for her to express her hatred for him.

"You can go, Bree, I promise you I'm not coming after you, I'm not gonna chase behind you, I don't know if what you said is true but it hurts hearing you say those things." With that, he walked away leaving her standing there.

Hours had passed since Bree's breakdown. All of the drawers were ripped open hangers and clothing scattered the bedroom floor. She tore down all of her things and sat on the floor packing up all of her things. She didn't know where she was going but she was getting out of here.

Shamar sat on the couch with the satellite phone perched on his shoulder while thumbing through cash. He was having a conversation with one of his foreign connects, Capo. Bree leaving was the least of his problems, right now his mean focus was what his next move would be it was only a matter of time before the police discovered their hideout.

Bree paused in her spot on the floor, the sounds of vehicles racing towards the house filled her ears. Time slowed as red & blue colors flashed through the home alerting both of them. The sound of the police sirens took over whatever was going on inside the house.

It was all happening so fast, so unexpected.

Bree rushed out of the bedroom she only bumped into Shamar, he looked down at her "We gotta go right now."

He held the brick-shaped phone in his hand and a duffel full of cash in the other. It was now time to fight for freedom.


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