TD|| Are you trying to get us caught

413 17 4

It was touching three o'clock am, Bree sat in the living room with the comfort of the darkness

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It was touching three o'clock am, Bree sat in the living room with the comfort of the darkness. Days passed by and every night she found herself in this exact same spot every night. Sleep no longer existed for her.

The stress of everything was weighing down on her. She could no longer walk around like her face wasn't plastered around the country.

The bedroom door creaked open and Shamar's footsteps were heard dragging down the hall slowly approaching her. "What you doing up?" Although it was dark she could still see him standing there in his briefs.

"Thinking maybe overthinking a little."

He sighed running his hands through his hair, that was growing wild on his head. "Thinkin' about what?" He joined her on the couch.

"Everything.." She paused for a moment before opening her mouth to speak again "What are we doing? Matter of fact what are we thinking? We both know this isn't going to end well for any of us."

Shamar let out a breath pulling at the strings on his scruffy beard, "You shouldn't be thinkin' about those things, its negative."

"I shouldn't huh? Can I ask you a question? What would you do if the police came barging in here right now, right at this moment while we're just sitting here talking, what would you do?"

The mood shifted, Shamar became a bit tense just by thinking of the idea of them being busted. "Then we run.. ima go down fightin'."

He engulfed her small figure in his arms staring down at her face, she still looked the same as the first time he saw her breathtaking.

Her hands rested at the sides of his face "I just want you to take things more serious, shit is real out here 'Mar."

"Stayin' up overthinkin' ain't gone help no one, go to sleep Bree."

"I'm not tired."

"Ain't no cops gon' run up in here while you sleepin' a'ight?" He leaned over, reaching his arm under the couch. He pulled out a gun slapping it on the coffee table "I got you, go to sleep."


Breezy leaned against the kitchen counter thumbing through a wad of cash. While Bree was at work on the stove "Can you please get out of the kitchen with that money it's nasty."

Wrapping a rubber band around the cash he threw it in the duffel bag on the floor, "I'm leavin' today." His fingers lifted the blunt up from the ashtray it glowed when he took a puff.

"You're leaving? Huh?" She lifted the pan from the stove dumping the contents onto a plate.

Breezy nodded grabbing three stacks of cash from the bag stuffing all in his pocket. "Chill I ain't goin' foreva' just a little business I gotta handle."

With that, he left out the front door. Bree peaked out the window watching the black range rover speed away from the house. That was strange. The whole idea of going out there and exposing her face to the world while there were wanted posters all over bothered her.

She was no longer in the mood to eat so she settled on the couch with her legs crossed staring at the front door. She sat in that position and didn't move an inch waiting for his return. With horrible thoughts racing through her mind. What if he got snatched up by cops?

Just like that her waiting, turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours. Daytime to night time. Until the door finally flew open. Bree was alert with a gun resting in her palm.

He chuckled at the red laser beam that shined on his face "It's me, Bree, you can put the gun down."

"Shamar where were you? You've been gone all day!"

He waltzed inside dropping designer shopping bags to the floor. Her blood boiled when she saw what he was out doing. "You went fucking shopping? Really?"

"Man shut the fuck up! Don't even start that shit I can do whatever I want."

"No, you can't! Not when everyone wants our head! Not when you're on the run with me! It seems like this whole thing is a joke to you anyone could've seen you Shamar."

"Where did you even go shopping? There aren't any shops in this town."

"I drove out of tow-"

"You did what!"



I'll try to be more consistent with this book.

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