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37 likes sugamint tired Comments disabled.
kookerator your latest post,, is that coffee?? it looks good also i really like your sweater
sugamint the picture isn't of me just someone i was with i do photography and sometimes i post it that's all
kookerator ohh okay it's a great picture ! are u majoring in photography ?
sugamint i am, yeah
kookerator that would explain all the super professional looking shots on ur profile!
sugamint i wouldn't really call them "professional" but thanks i guess
kookerator so who's that person u were with huh?? girlfriend?? 😉
sugamint i don't have a girlfriend just a person who sat across from me cus the coffee shop was crowded i explained to them i was a photography major and asked politely if they would mind if i took a picture they were okay with it
kookerator ohhh 😮 what else do u take pictures of?
sugamint ? idk...all things and i've done pictures with my friend who models but i don't post those on this account
sugamint i do i'd rather not reveal it tho
kookerator 😢 but...why not?
sugamint just cuz
kookerator oh...okay then i'll try to respect your decision ;-; *cries in the distance*