y'all already know i'm not that kind of author, pls don't comment about "69 LoL" cus it's annoying and i'll delete them thanks ❤️🙃[[ m.yg + j.jk ]]
hey baby
how's school been?
it's been a couple days since you started so are you doing alright?
have your classmates been bothering you much latelykookerator
i think they got the message...
you know, that i didn't really want to talk about it...
i tried to tell them without being rude but i think i came across as rude which i don't like but at the same time if it helps them to understand better then maybe it's ok...sugamint
i think you've earned the right to be a little rude
it's not rude if they're getting on your nerves
they're the rude ones
tho i think i'd use a stronger adjectivekookerator
you always know how to make me feel better yoongi ☹️💕sugamint
i certainly try
so how are you doing physically?
you feeling ok?kookerator
bit of a headache
but it's oksugamint
it's not ok
can you afford to take a nap?kookerator
can you afford to come over today?sugamint
you're actually asking me this time?kookerator
i guess i just feel lonelier at school now and i miss you more...sugamint
i'm kinda in the middle of some work right now but if you're not against the idea i could pick you up and take you back to my apartment
that way i can be with you still until i'm done working
and afterwards maybe we could watch a movie or something like that?
or is your headache so bad you don't want to leave your housekookerator
no i said it's not that bad...
i'd really like that
i've never been to your apartmentsugamint
oh it's nothing extravagant baby it's just an apartment
but it's nice, not too shabby as the saying goes
so it's ok if i pick you up now then?kookerator
you cansugamint
i'll be there soon, precious ❤️💕*
By this point Yoongi knew the route to Jungkook's place from his own and could get there quickly enough without the need of a GPS. And how relieved he was of this. He couldn't stand the GPS voice.
Within twenty minutes Yoongi had his car pulled up beside Jungkook's house, and mere seconds later the boy was making his way out of the house and climbing into the car.
"Been watching out the window for me?" Yoongi joked.
Jungkook nodded. "I always do."
The older watched him for a moment, smiling fondly although Jungkook was too busy staring at his hands sheepishly to notice.
Yoongi pressed a soft kiss to the boy's cheek before driving off.
Another twenty minutes and Yoongi was back at his apartment, now welcoming his boyfriend who was all too curious about what an apartment looked like, because apparently he had never been in one before.

ᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴏᴜs. | ᴍ.ʏɢ + ᴊ.ᴊᴋ ✔️
Fanfictionin which jungkook reaches out to a stranger all because of a concerning instagram post. yoonkook. short chapters.