[[ p.jm + m.yg ]]
what's going on yoongi?sugamint
i'm feeling bummedpark_jiminie
wanna tell me the reasonsugamint
because you'll probably say some crap like i'm being jealous and make fun of me but that's not what this is at all so i don't want to hear it right nowpark_jiminie
yoongi c'mon now...
i won't do that
what's wrong?sugamint
i'm being a drama queen
i'll get over it okpark_jiminie
yoongi don't make me barge into your apartment again
i won't call u a drama queen u know thatsugamint
the kid's hanging out with a group of people now cause taehyung invited him
and he seemed so excited about it
which he has every right to be and i'm happy for him of course it's just
i feel less special and needed nowpark_jiminie
aww...yoongi no,,
don't say that (;_;)
one day with other people isn't gonna make jungkook appreciate u any less
you'll still be his favoritesugamint
no jimin you know what i think this is betterpark_jiminie
that he hangs out with people his age
it's good
he should have more teenager friendspark_jiminie
yoongi stop right now before you spiral into the whole "i'm not worth it anyway" spiel
yeah maybe it wouldn't be bad to have friends the same age
but that doesn't make u any less important than them
and besides
that's jungkook's choice
if he likes you better then what're u gonna do, tell him he should hang with his other friends?sugamint
so lighten up yoongi
it makes me sad when you're down like thissugamint
i hate how u always have good advice
like can't u just let me shut myself away in a corner and be insecure and mad at myselfpark_jiminie
now have a GOOD DAY YOONGI
I HAVE TO GOsugamint
why are u using caps all of a sudden...*
[[ m.yg + j.jk ]]
suga hyung!!sugamint
oh hey kid how's it going?
u still out with taehyung and his friends?kookerator
yup! :D
we just got done eating lunch
so now i think we're going to the karaoke place??
but also one of tae's friends suggested going to see a movie so idk yet lolsugamint
well i'm glad you're having fun with them
makes up for the jerks you go to school with
i gotta go to work now tho so i'll talk laterkookerator
okay! 😊
talk to ya later hyung!!*
[[ m.yg + p.jm ]]
they're being nice to him and he said he's having fun
at least there's that
as long as he's happy it's okpark_jiminie
that's the spirit, yoongi!!
and the fact that he's keeping u updated means something right?
i'm certain he cares a lot about your opinionsugamint
i gotta clock in
talk to you laterpark_jiminie
bye yoongi 👋*
i'm on an update roll with this fic lol

ᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴏᴜs. | ᴍ.ʏɢ + ᴊ.ᴊᴋ ✔️
أدب الهواةin which jungkook reaches out to a stranger all because of a concerning instagram post. yoonkook. short chapters.