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He didn't tell his mom about leaving the house. He worried she'd advise against it, but right now, it wouldn't have made a difference because no one would be able to change his mind.

Grabbing nothing more than his phone, Jungkook hurried out the door as quickly yet quietly as he could and raced to the nearest bus stop. Not many taxis passed by his street, and Jungkook couldn't bear not knowing when the next one would come by, so the bus was the next best option. He had looked up the bus schedule, as well as the quickest route to Yoongi's apartment, which estimated to around a thirty-five minute ride. Longer than he would have liked, but it would have to do.

Jungkook managed to make it to the bus stop in time to catch the 10:40 bus - and thankfully so. The next one wasn't scheduled to show up till 11 p.m.

Thirty-eight minutes.

Thirty-eight minutes, and the bus Jungkook had boarded came to the stop located a mere block from the apartment. He thanked the bus driver and hastily hopped off.

Yoongi's apartment.

Before even he realized it, Jungkook stood in front of the familiar door, his entire body shaking as he hovered a hand over the door knob. He wouldn't deny it to himself, just as he refused to deny it to Jimin when he had texted him earlier. He was scared. Scared to see Yoongi, scared there was nothing he would be able to do for him.

But he loved the man enough to not run back home.

He knocked a few times. No answer.

Jungkook slowly tried turning the knob. Just as he suspected, Yoongi had neglected to lock it. He pushed the door open and cautiously stepped inside.

"Yoongi? It's Jungkook, I-"

It didn't take long for the boy to find him. Lying on the living room floor, curled up into a ball, facing the wall as his back was turned towards Jungkook. Maybe he was sleeping. He couldn't tell at the moment, as he couldn't see Yoongi's face from where he stood.

There were papers scattered on the floor around him. An empty coffee mug lay on its side just a few feet from the man. The tv was on, but neglected as mere background noise. Jungkook found the remote sitting on the coffee table, so he elected to turn the screen off.


Even without seeing Yoongi's face, Jungkook had a terrible, sinking feeling the man wasn't asleep. That he could hear him, but couldn't answer. Didn't have the strength to, perhaps, or just didn't feel like it.

Jungkook felt his breath tremble as it passed through his lips. With slow, careful steps, he made his way over to where Yoongi was lying on the floor. And he knelt down beside him to get a look at his face.

He was right. Yoongi had been awake, his half-lidded eyes staring blankly ahead at the wall, or into some space beyond it that Jungkook couldn't see.

That expression. That still, emotionless expression that Jungkook so vividly recalled smiling so brightly, so fondly at him only a few days back, now shattered his heart to its near breaking point.

It hurt to see. Even more than he thought it would.

"Yoongi...?" Tentatively, Junkgook extended a hand to place on Yoongi's shoulder. "Yoongi, it's Jungkook, I'm..." No, don't cry, you can't cry now. "...I'm...I'm here, Yoongi."

It was all he knew to say. In this situation, Jungkook's cluelessness concerning how to deal with Yoongi in his current state probably hurt the most. He wasn't getting a response. None at all.

Panicked and on the verge of tears, he texted Jimin.

jimin what am i supposed to do
please you have to help me
i don't know what to do
he won't answer me
what do i do??

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