[[ m.yg + j.jk ]]
hey suga 😊sugamint
hey precious ❤️
how was your daykookerator
it was ok :)sugamint
can you tell me about it?kookerator
well idk what to say lolsugamint
aw come on baby
i just want to know
did anybody give you a hard time?
was it an easy day?
you can be honest with me if it wasn't a good day i'll do my best to cheer you upkookerator
no really it was ok for the most part...
i guess?
a lot of people were trying to ask me about you and jimin hahasugamint
don't 'haha' jungkook...
were they bothering you?
what were they saying?kookerator
yoongi i don't know it was just a bit overwhelming...
like it went from hardly anyone talking to me to everyone suddenly asking me questions
and some of them were being really nice and it felt weird and i got really anxious and i didn't like it yoongi...
like i kinda knew they'd ask about jimin but i didn't realize they'd ask about you toosugamint
ffs i should've known...
baby i'm so sorry...
maybe i shouldn't have kissed you in front of the school
a part of me wanted to make them jealous of you but i didn't consider all the unwanted attention you'd get...kookerator
no yoongi pls ☹️ don't apologize...
i'm still really happy you drove me to school it made me feel special and made my morning
it's not your fault...sugamint
it wasn't all bad tho
i mean there was this one guy who talked to me, he was really friendlysugamint
don't trust himkookerator
did he talk to you before jimin posted those pictures?kookerator
it's your choice, jungkook
but if you want my honest opinion
i wouldn't be so trusting
people who suddenly want to be you friend after learning you're friends with someone famous
even if they're nice
it's not rightkookerator
do you really think so yoongi...?sugamint
baby i'm not trying to control you or your decisions ok?
i'm just telling you what i think
the time you told me that "no one wanted to be friends with the weird gay kid at school" absolutely shattered my freaking heart and i hated those kids at your school without even knowing themkookerator
😥 you really felt that way?sugamint
i did
and now i'm starting to get angry about this
even if this guy you're talking about isn't a bad person
the fact that he's just now paying attention to you doesn't make me happy
that's not fair
to you
and in general
it's just not fair
they don't deserve youkookerator
yoongi pls i'm starting to cry
no i'm already crying...sugamint
i'm sorry precious i'm not trying to make you cry
ive just always had a low tolerance of people and since this has to do with you it's bothering me more
it's up to you what you want to do
the last thing i want is to be a controlling boyfriend
you choose your friends baby
i'm just giving you my opinionkookerator
no yoongi you're right and you have a right to feel that way
i'm just sad
but i agree with you...
it's not fair to me...sugamint
pls don't be sad, precious
but the way i see it, i think you're better off with taehyung and his friends
they seemed to like you before the photoshoot with jimin happenedkookerator
yeah 😢 they were really nice...
you're right yoongi...
i don't need friends at school
in fact i don't even want them anymoresugamint
why does that make me feel guiltykookerator
no yoongi don't say that! 😥
like i said i agree with you
it's not fair...
being shrugged off for two and a half years because i didn't know how to talk to people without weirding them out or making myself seem awkward
and now they want to be friends?
haha no thank you i have suga! 😊sugamint
yes suga?sugamint
try to dry your tears until i get there ok
i'll be on my way as soon as i cankookerator
pls hurry suga
it was a long daysugamint
i know, baby
i'm sorry 💕

ᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴏᴜs. | ᴍ.ʏɢ + ᴊ.ᴊᴋ ✔️
Fanfictionin which jungkook reaches out to a stranger all because of a concerning instagram post. yoonkook. short chapters.