113 (finale)

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It was the day of Jungkook's graduation.

After having looked forward to it for so long, all of a sudden, all the boy could think of was that he wanted it to be over.

Of all the bad luck he could possibly have in life, something had to happen now. To Yoongi, to the person he was excited to see at the ceremony more than anyone, even his own mother, though he certainly was thrilled she had taken off work for the occasion.

He didn't want to feel he was being selfish. But that's exactly what he felt. Selfish for wanting Yoongi to be there, despite his injury. Deep down, however, Jungkook knew how awful he would feel later on if Yoongi ended up hurting himself more.

In frustration with his own feelings the boy had strictly ordered Yoongi to stay home. Not to leave the house. To be as still as possible to avoid straining himself. Because Jungkook had a strong feeling the older was understating his problem just to make him feel better and worry less. He had a habit of doing as such.

Which is precisely why Jungkook felt even more miserable on the morning of his "big day". He woke up early, no ounce of joy in his heart as he expected to be filled with, rather suffering that weighty sensation of disappointment that accompanied his concern for Yoongi's wellbeing.

He ignored his boyfriend's text messages. Though it guilted him to do so, he knew reading them would only make him feel worse, and besides, he could potentially get away with the excuse that he had too much on his mind and that he was too busy, it being his graduation day and all.

It wasn't Yoongi's fault. He kept telling himself this, knowing it was true, because how could Yoongi have possibly known exercising would lead to injuring his back? The man had been trying to better himself, to be productive and it just so happened to turn out poorly this time around. It happened. Things happen. Jungkook knew this. He wasn't that naive. And yet still, the knowledge did nothing but dishearten him.

Yoongi was the one who got hurt. Not me.

He could only hope it had nothing to do with the man's weight - Yoongi exercising on his own all of a sudden. Jungkook recalled his boyfriend mentioning it once before, but the younger was sure he made himself very clear that there was nothing wrong with the other's weight - that if anything, weight should be gained, not lost. But maybe that wasn't the case. Maybe Yoongi had just been in the random mood to exercise, which wouldn't be bad, but certainly surprising.

Regardless of what the initial reason had been, Yoongi had hurt himself, and that, above all else, preyed on Jungkook's mind.

Of course he would never want it to happen - but of all times, it had to fall around his graduation.

"Kookie, what's wrong, sweetie?"

The boy didn't think to mask his melancholy, entering the kitchen where his mother was making breakfast. She gazed at him with concern.

"You feeling okay?"

"Yeah," he lied. "Just didn't get as much sleep as I would have liked. But I'll be okay."

In sympathy, Ms. Jeon embraced her son warmly, patting the boy's back as she whispered, "Today's your day, Kookie." She pulled back to smile at him. "So is Yoongi coming over this morning? Or will he at least be at the ceremony?"

Jungkook had to bite his tongue to calm himself. Don't cry, don't you dare cry. "Yeah...he'll be there."

"That's good." His mother breathed a soft laugh in delight and pulled out a chair from the kitchen table. "Here, sit down, Kookie, I'm making you breakfast."

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