kookerator i think so yeah i feel a lot better but don't ignore my question yoongi hyung
sugamint what question
kookerator how are u?
sugamint not relevant
kookerator >:| yes it is relevant
sugamint just some minor stress it's nothing
kookerator ;-; hyung what's wrong
sugamint nothing...
kookerator pls...? i told u i'm a good listener remember?
sugamint my dad's mad at me for not visiting anymore but i don't really have an interest to i love my parents and all but i'm just not close to them emotionally or distance wise neither of them were really in support of me moving in the first place or the fact that i wanted to pursue photography and not business or something "useful"
kookerator hyung... i'm sorry i didn't know
sugamint no i'm sorry i shouldn't be ranting he just called me today and said some things so it's kinda been bothering me that man was never there for me when i needed it was always jimin so i don't even care what he thinks
kookerator i'm sorry hyung i wish i knew what to say ;-; what are you doing right now?
sugamint i'm at my dorm i have a late shift today at work so i can stay here for a little while i'm trying not to be bothered by it
kookerator is there anything i could do to cheer u up???
sugamint send a funny pic or something idk
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sugamint i was kinda kidding but that worked
kookerator really???
sugamint those glasses are ridiculous they work for u tho
kookerator is that a compliment
sugamint it's a statement
kookerator ok cool
[[ p.jm + k.th ]]
park_jiminie hey tae how's it going?
hakuna_ma_taetae im still in shock over this
park_jiminie over?
hakuna_ma_taetae u messaging me like it's normal still in shock
park_jiminie don't be :) just talk to me like u would a normal friend
hakuna_ma_taetae right right ok well it's not going good tbh
park_jiminie aw ( ; ; ) why not? :(
hakuna_ma_taetae i'm being forced by my parents to study over the summer... it's such a pain they weren't even happy with me going to your concert "wasted time i could have spent studying"
park_jiminie ugh that sucks :/ i'm sorry to hear that... my parents were kinda strict so i guess i can relate
hakuna_ma_taetae really?
park_jiminie yeah :) it wasn't all bad, i mean it certainly helped me get good grades but ya know those aren't everything so yeah i'm glad u took the time for yourself and went to my concert u even got my shirt!!