Bendy and Boris

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The picture above is the oc I'll be using for this story, I'll have to warn you though you do have to watch/read all the chapters from the original. I probably won't add all the details from the original.
Edit- I redrew the drawing I did it in like 30 min so srry if it looks bad

Today me and mickey's crew were going to do a show in a small town. I was really excited for some reason I felt like an adventure was coming my way. I really had to finish my book, my fans were just begging for my final book. But I haven't gotten anything good, there is one thing that caught my interest which was the cure for the ink illness everyone thinks it was a myth. But I believe that it's real, if this was real then a lot of people's lives would be saved and maybe I would to.

But enough with that.

  I had gotten ready to start my part of the show.

When Mickey was doing his part it was my part to swing above him. So I did exactly that. But while I did so I noticed a demon and wolf. For some reason they caught my eye.

"Welcome to the show everyone!!" I yelled while I did a flip and landing next to Mickey.

"I hope you all enjoy the show!"I yelled while giving the crowd a flirtatious wink. After that the crowd went crazy.

Me and mickey both chuckled softly before I started singing my F/S(favorite song).

At the end of the show I took a quick bath to clean all the sweat off, then went to look for Mickey. Oswald and Mickey always treated me like I were there little sister.(so ozzy's children see me as there aunt or big sister ☺️)

After I found him I noticed the wolf and demon that I saw in the crowd talking to him. They seemed to notice me, I noticed because they seemed to pause their conversation, so in return I gave them a gentle smile and wave.

"Hey mick" I
said while walking towards Mickey 

"Oh hey y/n how are you?" he says while turn around looking at me with a smile.

I returned the smile before I answered "I'm good thanks for asking"

"And they are..?"I asked trying no to be rude or anything of the sort

"Oh this is Boris and Bendy, Boris was just asking for an autograph" he replied

"Ah I see! well it nice to meet you two"I said with a smile

"Y-y/n if y-you don't m-mind c-can I get y-your autograph a-as well" he asked shuttering shyly

"Sure sweet cheeks"I said smirking and nodding

After I was done I kissed the piece of paper and gave it back to him.

His face exploded, it was so red it looked like he was about to faint

"Whoops~" I teased while smiling in satisfaction at his reaction

"I would also like and autograph" bendy suddenly asks.

"Hmm really where woul-" before I could finished bendy cuts off

"I'll like it right on my lips"he said giving me a flirtatious wink

I sigh but chuckled softly "sorry but that autograph would have to have a little bit of effort" I said returning his flirtatious wink as pay back

He blushed and chuckled

One of ozzy's kids came to ask me and mick a question.

"Uncle mick, aunty y/n, me and Donald are going shopping, we're bringing papa with us, do you guys want anything?"she says while holding ozzy's hand

"Ah no we don't want anything right now-"before he could finished we heard a scream from behind us.

'bendy...he had the ink illness...' I thought sadly while getting some flashbacks from the pass

"Oh my god get him here now!?"Mickey yells

"Donald take ozwald away now!?" I yelled at him suddenly

"What going on-" before he could finish I cut him off

"Not now Donald!!"I yelled while helping bendy to a room

After that I helped bendy clean himself up while Mickey talked to Boris alone outside

"I'm sorry you had to witness this y/n" he says apologizes weakly

"It's alright it's not your fault you got the ink illness"I replied giving him a gentle smile

After that we decided to change the topic and got to know each other while making small jokes, till' Boris and Mickey came back

I knew exactly what Mickey was talking about with Boris outside. When they came back I gave Boris a kind smile and Mickey looking down worried

"Is everything okay mick?" i ask worried but he just gave me the cold shoulder. This made me even more worried.

"Anyways guys I'll be going for now"I said giving the best fake smile I could. After what bendy went through it gave me some bad memories. I felt like I wasn't needed here anyways.

"Aw okay miss y/n"Boris replied sadly before waving goodbye

"Call me y/n you don't need to be so formal" I chuckled softly while waving goodbye as well.

"Anyways I'll be off now"I say leaving to check up on Ozzy and his kids

I was glad when I saw him sleeping with his children surrounding him and covering him like a blanket

After that I when for a stroll in the town..


-945 words

Damn that's a lot oh well I hoped you enjoyed this first chapter sorry if it was bad..

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