Chapter 4: Veronica

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"Nah, I don't think she eats faster then me," Jughead says, matter of fact-ly.

"Wanna prove it?" I say holding out a burger to him, he takes the burger.

"Betty Count us," Jughead says.

"On your marks get set go," Betty says we both shove the burgers in our mouths.

"Tie, It's a tie" Betty says shocked.

I hold out my hand.

"Nice job," I say, he shakes my hand.

"You too," He say back, smiles back. A girl with Raven hair walks up to us.

"Betty, jughead and girl I don't know," The Raven Girl says, She looks over to me.

"I hope you can pay your tab," She says coldly.

"'Revelare secretum ipsum mihi" I whisper.

"What was that?" She says.

"Veronica, back off," Jughead says.

"No, no, I can fight my own battles," I say. "Veronica is it, maybe you should stop worrying about my tab and focus on yours, k?" I say.

"Wait how do you know?" Veronica says.

"I know lots of things, like your relationship with Reggie Mantale I wonder what he would think when he finds out why you string him along?" I say

"Don't," she says.

"Then leave me the hell alone," I say, she goes to open her mouth but walks away. I grab the other burger.

"Can I have this?" I ask, they nod in reply, I eat the whole burger

"how did you know about that?" Betty askes.

"Well I should probably go back to the school," I say.

"L.J. You can stay with us," Jughead says.

"Can you promise me absolute safety from Gladys?" I ask sternly.

"Yes, I think so," He replies.

"and jughead we're not close enough for you to call me Lj, got it?" I say.

"yep" he replies with his hands up. I slide off the leather seat and stand up.

"Betts you coming?" Jughead askes.

"Nah I'm waiting for V to finish up then we're going to the Pembrooke," Betty says, Jughead leans over the seat and plants a small kiss on her lips.

We walk to his motor bike, he swings his leg over the seat and holds his hand out to me I put my left foot on the bike stand and my hands on the seat I jump on to the seat.

"hold on tight," Jughead says.

"we're not there yet," I say, I see him smile in the side mirror.

The motor revs and my heart races, the bike is slow at first, then we go faster my soul feels free my heart races in the best way possible my hair catches all the brassing wind, the air is beautiful and fresh. all I can see is the blurring green of the trees there's a turn and we lean so close to the earth that the unusually long grass cresses my face.

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