chapter 11: heathers

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I'm at school when Kevin comes out of the office. Could he be more gay?

"We were so tiny Happy and shiny Playing tag And getting chased Then we got bigger That was the trigger Like the Huns invading Rome Welcome to my school This ain't no high school This is the Thunderdome But I know, I know Life can be beautiful I pray, I pray For a better way If we changed back then We could change again We can be beautiful"

"Just not today"
"Dweeb. Things will get better Soon as my letter Comes from Harvard Duke or Brown Wake from this coma Take my diploma Then I can blow this town Dream of ivy-covered walls And smoky French cafes Fight the urge To strike a match And set this dump ablaze But I know, I know, I know Life can be beautiful I pray, I pray, I pray For a better way We were kind before We can be kind once more We can be beautiful Just not today"

"Hey Lj," alec says.


"You should sign up for the musical," alec says.

"Really?" I ask grabbing his hand and opening the door to the class room that Kevin just walked in.

[All of the class sings] Why do they hate me? Why don't I fight back? Why do I act Like such a creep? Why won't she date me? Why did I hit him? Why do I cry myself to sleep? Somebody hug me Somebody fix me Somebody save me Send me a sign, God Give me some hope, here Something to live for Are all of you this miserable?" They sing.

"It doesn't see like me," I say.

"Well, there is Cheryl Blossom, floating above it all as Heather Chandler. [GIRLS] Ah, Heather, Heather and Heather She was a real mess after her breakup with Toni, but then she gave herself the role of HBIC. Veronica and Betty are playing the other Heathers, Heather McNamara and Heather Duke. But Cheryl's the mythic bitch." Kevin says.

Me and alec walk away. I bump right into Archie. My face turns red.

"Hey Archie," I say.

"Hey Lj," Archie says his ears turning red.

"Oh I should be getting to rehearsals but it was great seeing you"

"Hmm," alec sounds. Alec grabs my hand and leads me to the sound booth. Where we hear everything.

I'm playing Veronica Sawyer, outcast turned Heather turned outcast again." A girl says.

"Hi, I'm Sweet Pea. Um, playing JD, Veronica Sawyer's bad boy love interest." Sweet pea says.

"Reggie Mantle. AKA jock Ram Sweeney. Gonna bro it up with my bud Arch here, just two single straight dudes doing some theater."

"Given how much dancing there is in Heathers, Evelyn and I felt we should bring on a choreographer, so give a big Heathers hello to Riverdale's resident fly girl, Toni Topaz!" Kevin says.

"Um, does anyone have a chainsaw, because what the" Cheryl says I block out the rest.

The cast is scattered around the set.

"All right, Cheryl, Veronica, Betty, "Candy Store," set and costumes are ready. Go get changed. So this number is about the Heathers's undeniable power. Each of you can get anything you want at any time. So really unleash that force. We'll all start with some simple steps. Yeah, we got it, thanks. Uh, Toni has some fantastic choreo." Kevin states I grab the popcorn that alec had stolen from the cafeteria.

"How very. But my Heathers and I have already worked out our own choreography" Cheryl says making me giggle.

"Come on, Cheryl. I'm trying to be professional here, can you not?"toni says. I grab another hand full of pop corn.

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