chapter 16: No

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"What?" Betty and jughead say.

"Betty?" I ask.

"Um you can't come to mom's today she has a farm thing," betty says.

"Oh ok," I say.

"I'm so sorry about the - you know," she says.

--time skip--

I'm reading in my room when i hear a knock at the door. Mom dad jelly and jug are out for a few hours so I'm here alone. I run down the stairs and open the door it's Archie. He grabs my waist and lifts me up I hook my legs around him and he kisses me. My hand runs through his hair. He walks me up the stairs not breaking the kiss he goes into the room I feel myself fall on the bed I unhook my legs and he stands up taking off his shirt.

《Time skip》

I sit watching tv and folding up laundry I put new sheets on the upstairs bed. It's been some time. I hear jughead and Fp rush in.

"Is jelly here?" He askes.

"No, Why?" I ask.

"She's been taken by the gargle king," jughead says. My heart jumps in my throat.

A/n sorry that it's so short I have started a Harry potter series and i wanted to update this one.

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