Chapter 13: bad luck

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Did you know that no one's knows why the number 13 is bad luck some people have referred to when 13 people were at the last supper (the meal where Jesus was betrayed and arrested). I hear a siren.

I wake up, my head throbbing with pain. Dad sits on the chair near my bed. A man in white walks through the door.

"So ms Jones-Cooper we have done some preliminary test and are about to get results but I have to ask you a few questions first," the doctor says

"Yep," I reply.

"Have you have a decrease in apetite,"

"Um-" I start.

"She has," Dad replies.

"Have you had a decrease in strength?" The doctor asks.

"A little," I reply.

"Hmm," the doctor says, scribbing notes.

A lady walks in holding a clipboard.

"We have result for ms jones-cooper," she says. He take the clipboard off her then she leave the room.

"Ms Jones you apear you have abnormal white blood cells," the doctor says. I feel my blood rush from my face. No no no no no no no no no no No no no no no no no no no no No no no no no no no no no no!

"What does that mean?" I hear dad say faintly as if in the back ground then everything slows.

"Mel," I hear sabrina say.

"Sabby," I say.

"Use you magic," she says.

"I can't," I say.

"Why, because these people will see?"

"No," I say

"Then why," she says.

"Because I lost it," I say a sob escaping my lips. Her hand touches me.

"Your magic has faded, completely." She says shocked.

"Please just go away, I'm happy here," I say. Everything goes back to normal pace and sabrina gone.

"Mel," dad says.

"Yeah," I reply.

"So you fine with having more tests," he says.

"Yep," I reply back.

------2 hours later-------

The car stops.

"Dad before we go inside, could we please not tell the others until I find a good time," I say.

"It's something for you to tell," dad says.

He leaves the car as do I everything runs through my brain but the biggest question.

How do I tell my friends and family that I have leukaemia?

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