Chapter 20: oh baby

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"What?" He says his eyes glowing.
"Wait What!" Betty yells, the tires screech.
"He knocked you up!" Betty yells.
"Yeah," I say avoiding eye contact. I grabbed my phone from my bag which was in the car, betty had thrown it in there before she whent looking for me.

I chuckle to myself.
"What?" Archie asks.
"Nevermind- it's just the baby is the size of a lemon," I say.
"Really?" He asks his eyes lighting up.
"Archie we need to talk," I tell him.
"About What?" He says.
"The baby, and us," I say.
"I love you and this baby," he says.
"Archie, what about veronica and high school?"
"Veronica was over because her and Reggie are having issues and she wanted some help, and you'll graduate in 3 months." Archie says.
"Betty did you make a-" I start
"Yep," she answers.
"When is it?" I ask.
"Right now," betty says, stopping the car.
I get out of the car. I here two other car doors slam shut. We all walk in.
"Hi I'm doctor Moncarter, betty has filled me in on your situation so let's go to my office,"
We follow her down the corridor to the last door on the right.
I sit on a dentist bed looking thing betty and Archie walk in standing by my side.
"Lay down for me," the doctor says. I do as instructed.  The doctor gets this gel looking stuff. "Lift up your shirt," the doctor says. I lift it up and she squirts the gel liquid on my stomach. I flinch a little and then the doctor puts a instrument that connects to a little tv.

"Do you want to know the gender?" The doctor asks.

"Yes," I say.

"It's a girl," the doctor says.

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