Chapter 10: Brothers!

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"What was that for!" I ask mad.
"It's 8:00," jughead says emotionless.
We get to pops and order 3 burgers whom ever finishes first gets the third one. I finish first.

--The next day---

I wake up im laying on the floor when i here my door hinges creaking. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Betty, Jughead, Veroninca and a red haired boy yells. I smile from ear to ear as they hold a cake I heard this is what birthdays were like but had never had a proper one. Jughead smiles back at me I jump up and hug him. I'm still in my Pjs black and red flannel pants that I borrowed from jughead and a t shirt that's big on me also jugheads.
"Hey veronica I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot," I say.
"I'm sorry Too," veronica says.
"Hi," I wave to the red head.
"Hey melony I'm Archie,"
"Oh youre Archie I was expecting some kind of nerd," I say.
"Wait how do you know who I am?"
"Oh um jughead talks about and i heard you guys talking in the common room when i lived at school." I explain.
"You lived at school?!" Archie says.
"Yeah," I say awkwardly
"You're a lot like your brother," Archie says.
"Thanks," I say to him.

Hmmm maybe marchie?
Or clony (claws and melony)
Or alony (Alec And melony)

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