Chapter 1

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Yoongi POV

"No, hyung. Like this! You've got it backwards." Jungkook giggles at me as he repeats the move I'd apparently just messed up. I groan, running my hands through my hair.

"Fuck off, okay? I'm trying." I mutter frustratedly as I glare weakly over at the younger boy. His eyes widen a bit at my cold tone, lips forming a small surprised pout.

"Okay! How about we all take a break and get some lunch. Shall we? I know we've been working hard for a few hours now and tensions are a little high, so let's go calm down and take a break. Yeah?" Hoseok suggests with a small smile as he claps his hands together to catch everyone's attention. I just roll my eyes, walking away from the group of them that have gathered closer to the door as I head towards the wall where my bag is laid.

"That's a good idea. Come on, hyung. You gonna join us?" Jungkook agrees softly, gaze cast back over to me. I just shake my head, grabbing my water bottle from my bag and taking a few gulps from it.

"Are you sure? It'd be good for you to get some lunch with us and eat something, Yoongi." Jungkook asks once more, sounding just a little worried. It makes my heart swell and ache all at once, loving that he seems to care but wishing so desperately that he didn't. Sighing to myself, I look back to him with a small frown.

"I'm certain, Jungkook. Just go eat and relax. I'll be fine. I need to get the dance down better right now." I tell him tiredly. His frown deepens at my response, sighing as he shakes his head as he takes a few steps back towards the group.

"Come on. Why don't you guys all head out. I need to hang back for a minute, but I'll catch up with you all in a couple minutes. Okay?" Jimin suggests lightly, giving me a look before glancing back over to everyone else. I mentally swear, wishing he weren't so on top of me about this matter. I catch Jungkook frown and cast the tiniest of glares towards Jimin. I bite my lip, letting my gaze fall as my heart sinks at the sight, knowing what's probably going through his mind right now. It's no surprise by now, it's been going on for some time now. Though, everyone's soon exiting the room, and I'm quickly left alone with Jimin in the practice room.

"Hyung, we've had this conversation before." Jimin says softly as he makes his way over to me. I stay silent, continuing to bite my bottom lip as I keep my gaze on the floor.

"Then why are you trying to have it again?" I finally question, trying not to let the tears form. He sighs, walking over to me as he pulls me into a hug.

"Hyung, you're going to make him think that you hate him if you keep being so cold towards him. That's not gonna make him fall for you, you know." Jimin murmurs softly as he rubs my back gently. I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling the tears beginning to form despite my want for them not to.

"It's not gonna matter, Jiminie. He thinks you and I have something going on. And either way, I'm not good enough for him. He deserves better than someone like me, Jimin." I mumble quietly as the first tear falls, shattering my heart even more as I bury my head into his chest and wrap my arms back around him as well.

"Hyung. Yoongi, the only person you aren't good enough for, is yourself. You're more than enough and even better than what he deserves. Nobody deserves someone like you, hyung. You have to stop this. It's not good for you." Jimin coos gently, continuing to rub my back as he holds me. I shake my head though, not believe one bit of it. Knowing that none of it is true. Knowing that it's all just nothing more than lies.

"That's not true, Jimin. None of that is true. I have no chance of being with him, even without him wondering if we've got something going on between us. There's nothing that I can do about it anyways, Jimin." I whimper sadly. He groans in mild frustration with me, making me feel even worse about all of this. Feeling worse for making him have to put up with me. Feeling worse for making him get frustrated over trying to make me feel better. Feeling worse that he's even bothering to try.

Huffing quietly, I push myself away from him, turning away as I rub my hands over my face frustratedly. He sighs as he lets me move away from him, rubbing my hands over my face roughly.

"Yoongi, stop this, please. You're better than this. -" Jimin starts.

"Just go, Jimin. I'll be fine. Okay? You don't need to keep worrying over me. You don't have to keep wasting your time with me. I'll be perfectly fine." I interrupt him, not bothering to look back over at him, tired of this already.

"No, Yoongi, no-"

"Just go, damn it! I'll be fine, Jimin. Just... Just fucking go. You're late for lunch anyways." I snap, sighing at the end as I run my hand through my hair again. Jimin frowns and sighs, giving me a sad look through the mirror in front of me.

"I'm sorry, hyung. You really are better than this. Better than what you're giving yourself credit for. Please, try to find something to eat at some point before dinner." Jimin mumbles with a sigh before leaving the room himself.

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