Chapter 21

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Jungkook POV

Wincing at the pain from making contact with the tiled floor of the kitchen, I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling extremely out of it right now. Hearing footsteps rushing into the kitchen though, I force my eyes back open, weakly lifting my head up to look in the direction of the entranceway. My visions too blurry to be able to really decipher anything now, but I make out a figure rushing towards me, a light voice faintly hitting my ears.

I'm really sure of anything going on at this point now, recognizing by my blurry surroundings that I'm being lifted and carried. I just let my eyes fall shut once more, my head lulling to the side against whosever chest is carrying me at the moment.

All I can really think about is the note though. About Yoongi. About how he really wanted to be gone. How he wanted to leave. How he thought I'd never have feelings for him. That he really was alone in this world...

Feeling a pounding headache beginning, I come to the realization that I'm beginning to regain consciousness. I don't really recall falling asleep or anything of the sort, but I know I'm not in my bed considering how uncomfortable whatever I'm laying on is. Hearing annoying beeping sound, I frown at this, reluctantly opening my eyes before instantly regretting it. Squeezing them back shut, the room is much brighter than what I would've thought for some reason. I groan at the pain of how bright it was, hearing some movement from beside me just seconds later.


Recognizing Jimin hyung's voice, I huff quietly and force my eyes back open once more. Taking a minute to get adjusted to the brightness, I come to realize that I'm not at the house. Looking over to my side, I find a worried looking Jimin hyung sat on a chair beside my bed.

"Hyung? Where am I?" I mumble quietly, reaching up and rubbing at my eyes tiredly. He gives me a small smile, reaching out and pulling my hands away from my face gently.

"You're in the hospital right now, Kookie. You kinda passed out last night while you were in the kitchen." Jimin answers softly, rubbing his thumb gently over the back of my hand. I frown at his response though, not recalling any of it.

"I did?" I question quietly, lips tugging down at the corners as I feel tears forming. His face quickly contorts into worry once more, nodding his head slowly.

"Kookie, what do you remember?" Jimin asks gently, speaking slowly as his concern weighs in his voice. I pout, trying hard to figure out what the last thing I remembered is.

"I know I was gonna come here... but at the last second I decided to go spend some time in hyung's studio. I found..."

My heart drops as I recall the note Yoongi had left. At that thought, it all rushes back to me.

The suicide note Yoongi wrote to me. Sitting in there and feeling numb and frozen. Heartbroken and empty. Lost and alone. Sitting there in his chair with tears silently falling down my cheeks as I stared at the note I'd set back down. Getting up and feeling the worst headache I've ever felt form. Nearly falling when I stumbled to get up on my feet. Stumbling my way into the kitchen and going for the liquor cabinet that I've never felt inclined to explore before. Pulling out one of the half filled bottles, the bitter liquid burning as it slid down my throat. The dizziness that immediately came after I began downing it...

"You found what, Kookie?" Jimin asks softly, pulling my from my thoughts as I look over at him.

"I found his suicide note that was addressed to me on his desk in his studio. I remember everything up to drinking whatever shit I found in the liquor cabinet. I don't really remember much after that though." I answer quietly, my voice barely a whisper as I look away from him, my heart sinking in my chest all over again.

"Oh, Kookie. I'm so sorry." Jimin whispers softly, standing up so that he can sit on the edge of my bed with me. I don't bother to look over to him, but feel him lean over and wrap me up into a hug. I whimper softly, winding my arms around him as well as I lean my head on his shoulder, not needing the comfort too much but definitely appreciating it.

"I'm so sorry, Kookie. It's gonna be okay. You've got me and I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'm gonna help you get through this. We'll get through this together, Kookie."

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