Chapter 15

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Jungkook POV

Squeezing my eyes shut tightly as I feel myself begin to wake up, I sigh softly. Reluctantly opening my eyes, I look around to find Jimin gone from my bed. Pouting at this, my body still feels achy and I'm just a little bit too warm.

I huff quietly, shaking my head to myself as I roll onto my back, staring up at the ceiling. Biting my lip gently, I let my eyes fall shut once more, another sigh falling from my lips.

Despite having slept for however long, it wasn't any good, filled with the replaying scene of Yoongi crashing into the water. The memory of it burned into my head, a never ending cycle of torture.

Groaning in frustration with myself, I slowly climb out of bed, out from under my sheets and the two blankets of Yoongi's that Jimin had brought in last night. Though, growing cold the moment I'm out from underneath the warm mound, I reach out and grab the two warm and soft blankets of Yoongi's and wrap them around myself. Sighing contently at the warmth, I reluctantly stand up from the bed, wincing at my tight muscles. Though, still not wanting to be alone, I exit my room and slowly make my way down the hall towards the stairs.

Swallowing hard nervously, I bite my lip and slowly head down the stairs, wincing at each step I take from how sore I feel. I thankfully find Jimin on the couch when I get down there though, relieved that all of this hadn't been for nothing. I see him turn his head in my direction when I get about halfway down the stairs, a small smile on his face as he looks up at me.

"How're you feeling, Kookie? Any better?" Jimin asks lightly, watching me carefully as I finish getting down to the first floor. I purse my lips, shrugging in response as I begin to make the walk over to where he's sat on the couch. He frowns a little at this, but doesn't say anything as he reaches his arms out for me when I grow close. I practically fall into his arms when I reach him, wincing at the pain of moving my body around as I curl into his side.

"Still sore and cold, Kookie?" Jimin asks softly, rubbing my shoulder gently as he awaits my answer. I nod my head in return, resting my head on his shoulder.

"How about I go make you some soup? That'll help warm you up and give you a little bit of energy too." Jimin offers gently, giving me a small smile as he looks back down at me. I just shrug once more, not having much of an appetite at the moment.

"Where's everyone else, hyung? How's Yoongi?" I ask quietly, wondering why the house is so quiet and recalling the fact that I was never informed how he was. Jimin sighs in response, pursing his lips a bit at this.

"They're still at the hospital. They're only letting one person go in at a time right now, I guess. As for Yoongi, he's doing okay. They've got him stable right now and that's what matters. They said you did really good at getting him out just in time and calling the ambulance. You did really good, Kookie." Jimin murmurs softly before standing up. I don't respond, not agreeing with his statement whatsoever as I watch him get up and look down at me with a small smile.

I don't return it though, just curling up into myself on the couch. He sighs at my lack of any response, running a hand through his hair.

"He'll be okay, Kookie. Don't worry about him too much right now. You need to focus on getting you back to being fully healthy rather than hyung for the time being. I'll let you know whenever I have anything in terms of updates for him. Okay? Just rest up for now and I'll go make some soup for you." Jimin informs me in a gentle tone, ruffling my hair lightly before walking away from me.

I sigh quietly to myself once Jimin is gone to the kitchen, laying myself down on the couch as I curl up even more with the two blankets that I've kept wrapped around me. Letting my eyes fall shut, I just wish things didn't have to be this way. That Yoongi would've just talked to me and hadn't pushed me away. It makes me wonder what happened. Why he pushed me away so much when he was feeling this way. What I did wrong to make him push me way in times like this.

"I just want my Yoongi hyung back and safe and healthy." I whimper softly to myself, squeezing my eyes shut tightly.

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