Chapter 2

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Jungkook POV

Biting my lip worriedly, I follow the hyungs downstairs to the canteen that BigHit has here. Tae gives me a small smile as he tosses his arm over my shoulder.

"Don't worry too much about him, Kookie. He'll be okay. He's our hyung for a reason. He's always been responsible and he knows how to take care of himself. He'll be just fine." Tae tells me lightly, reaching up and ruffling my hair gently. I just purse my lips, shrugging.

"I dunno, Tae. I mean, I know he can take care of himself and whatnot. I just... I'm worried that he won't." I respond softly, not certain of Yoongi actually taking care of himself. I know he's perfectly capable of doing that, just as the rest of us are, but he just doesn't seem to be himself lately. He's been growing colder and colder towards me over the last couple of months now, and I'm not sure what's happened. He used to be so kind and sweet with me, joking around and messing around and cuddling with me and everything. Yet, now he doesn't seem to want to be around me whatsoever, always cold and pushing me away. I'm not sure if I've done something wrong or if he just doesn't care for me now because he's replaced me with Jimin hyung, or what it was.

"Why don't you all head inside and grab some food. I want to have a talk with Jungkookie for a minute." Namjoon tells the others with a small smile. The others don't seem to take much concern over the suggestion, everyone heading inside to leave me alone just outside the canteen with Namjoon hyung.

"What's going on, Jungkookie? I've noticed the tension increasing between you and Yoongi hyung, and your concern and care for him is fairly noticeable." Namjoon asks softly, looking down at me worriedly. I bite my lip, sighing as I run a hand through my hair.

"I don't know what's happening, hyung. I-I really wish I knew what was going on." I answer quietly, wishing I knew the answer to the question myself. He frowns at my answer, not seemingly content with it.

"You've not gotten into any fights or arguments or anything? It's just kind of odd. You seem to care so much for him and yet he's surprisingly cold towards you. I just, I want to help, Jungkook. I just don't know what to do." Namjoon questions gently. Biting my lip once more, I shake my head.

"Hyung, I wish I knew what to do to make things better. I have no idea what I've done or what's happened. Okay? All I know is that he's suddenly turning cold on me and he's replaced me with Jimin." I explain with a small huff. Namjoon sighs with a small frown, putting on a bit of a smile for me.

"Maybe you could talk to Yoongi about this then, Jungkook. I'm not too sure what else to do or what you could do. If you're not sure what's happened to cause this separation between the two of you, the best thing that you could do is try and talk to him about it. Okay?" Namjoon suggests softly with a small sigh. I purse my lips, nodding my head. Leaning my back against the wall, I run a hand through my hair, wishing this weren't so difficult and confusing.

Just as we're about to head back inside though, I spot Jimin heading down the hall, looking for frustrated than ever. It confuses me, especially after he specifically asked for a minute alone with Yoongi.

"Jimin? Everything okay?" Namjoon asks with a frown, clearly noticing his frustrated state as well. Jimin scoffs quietly with an eye roll.

"Just fucking peachy, hyung." Jimin grumbles as he nears us. It causes me frown to deepen, not at all understanding what's just happened.

"Hyung, what happened? Why're you suddenly so frustrated?" I question next, silently hoping that maybe Yoongi decided to end whatever was going on between them, as bad as that sounds. He just sighs, shaking his head at me though.

"Nothing. Yoongi just happens to be a stubborn little dick sometimes. That's all." Jimin mutters, sounding fairly angry with our hyung.

"Did the two of you get into a fight or something?" Namjoon asks next, glancing over to me before looking back at Jimin. He opens his mouth to speak, closing it seconds later as he shrugs agitatedly.

"I don't fucking know. Okay? I'm hungry and I'm done talking about this right now. So, you two can keep bullshitting out here if you want, I'm heading inside to grab food." Jimin scowls before disappearing inside the canteen as well. My eyes widen in surprise, not having expected him to be so frustrated.

It doesn't help my worry though, growing concerned as to why Yoongi seems to be starting to push everyone away.

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