Chapter 11

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Jungkook POV

Sitting in one of the chairs in the waiting room, I've got a towel wrapped around my shoulders as I visibly shiver. I've got my gaze locked on the floor as the six of us wait here for some sort of news. Though, I hear the sound of feet shuffling as the others stand up from the other side of the table that we'd all been sat at. I lift my head up curiously, feeling a little weak and still very cold as I look up to my hyungs. Jimin stops, causing the others to stop for a moment as well, Jimin looking over to me with a sympathetic smile.

"Why don't you just stay here, Kookie? We'll go talk to the doctor and let you know what's happened. Okay? You just stay here and calm down a bit more. Try to warm up." Jimin suggests gently. I frown lightly, nodding my head.

So, watching the five of them go over to the entrance of the room where the doctor is waiting for them, I stay curled up in my seat with a growingly damp towel, resting my chin back down on the tops of my knees. As much as I want to know what's going on and what happened, I'm much too exhausted at this point. My muscles are still shaking just a little, my entire body aching as I simply sit here in silence. It doesn't help that I'm terrified. Terrified of what's happened. Petrified to know if hyung is even still alive. His pulse had been so fucking weak when I finally managed to pull him from the water. His breathing far too shallow for any sort of comfort. His pale skin a sickly white color by the time the ambulance had arrived.

I just let my eyes flutter shut, moving my head to rest my forehead against my knees. It's five thirty in the morning now. I've been here for four hours now. Only fifteen minutes more than the others. It's been four and a half hours since I've crawled out of that freezing fucking water, dragging his limp body out of it.

I feel the tears start up all over again, rolling down my cold cheeks slowly. It's a stinging contrast, the warmth of the tear against my freezing skin. I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, hating how the sight of him smiling and waving lightly just seconds before running and jumping into that damned water just continues replaying in my mind, over and over again. Groaning softly to myself, I force my eyes back open, beginning to wonder how the hell I'm going to be able to get any sleep anytime soon with this.

Returning to resting my chin on my knees, I pout slightly as I stare in disheartenment at the table in front of me.

As much as I should've known things were eventually going to come to something like this with he was deteriorating, I always just hoped and prayed that it wouldn't turn out this way. That I wouldn't have to be sat here in the goddamn hospital waiting room, not knowing if he's going to make it through the day or not. Not knowing if he's okay or what's happened.

I feel my lips beginning to tug downwards, the urge to cry harder quickly building up inside of me. Squeezing my eyes shut tighter, I try hard to suppress my whimpers and sobs that are desperate to break free, wanting nothing more than to cuddle up with him and for things to go back to how they used to be.

The worst part of all of this... The part that kills me the most, is that he did this on the night of his own birthday. That he actually said goodbye even to army's, prepared and certain that his birthday night would be his last night.

With those thoughts crossing my mind, I can't hold it any longer as I bury my face into myself, whimpers and sobs instantaneously breaking loose as I hug my legs to my chest tighter. I try to stay quiet despite the pain of my heart shattering in my chest, praying with everything in me that I'm not gonna lose him. That I'm not gonna lose the one person in this band that I need more than anything. He's always been the one person I could always go to when I was struggling, the one person who would always push aside his own problems to help me with mine, the one person I've looked up to and admired since I joined this damn group. He's inspired me more than words could comprehend, means more to me than what I could even think to explain.

Hell, if he's all that I had left in this world, I think I'd be fairly okay. But now I'm at risk of losing the one person that I so desperately have worried over for the last few months now, so close to losing the one that means the most to me.

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