Chapter 22

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Jungkook POV

"Alright. I'll be right back, Kookie. I'm gonna head off to the canteen and also give Namjoon hyung a call just to update him on how you're doing. Okay?" Jimin hyung tells me softly with a small smile. I pout at this but nod my head, knowing I don't have much a choice anyways. He smiles, ruffling my hair gently before getting up and disappearing out my door.

Sighing softly to myself, I bite my lip as an idea comes to mind. Smiling softly to myself, I carefully climb out of bed. Slipping my heart monitor into the pocket on my hospital gown, I grab hold of the IV stand and slowly make my way over to my hospital door. Giggling softly to myself, I look around the hall to make sure the coast is clear before I exit my room, making my way over to the elevators so that I can find Yoongi hyung's room.

It's a little confusing at first, twisting and winding hallways confusing me just a little, even after I've found the elevators. Though, after what feels like ten minutes and has probably only been five, I finally find his room. Grinning a little to myself, proud of having found it, I knock lightly on his door before opening it, growing nervous as I slowly begin to enter his room. My grip on the IV stand tightens nervously, my steps small and uncertain from my mild lack of balance and headache.

Though, as soon as my eyes land on the pale older boy in the hospital bed, my lips fall slack.

"Yoongi hyung?" I whimper quietly, my lips automatically beginning to tremble. His head snaps up and over in my direction, eyes wide with surprise as they land on me.

"Jungkookie? What are you doing here?" Yoongi whispers softly, lips forming that beautiful pout of his. I half laugh breathlessly, a grin spreading out on my lips as tears begin to form and fall all at once.

I open my mouth to speak, but can't seem to form words as I let my lips fall shut once more, settling for simply trying to make my way over to him. I feel pathetically slow, but do the best I can as I make my way to his side.

"Kookie, what are doing here? You don't belong here." Yoongi says quietly, his lips forming a small frown as he gives me a light glare. It makes me stop in my tracks as I'm just a little bit closer to him than the foot of his bed that he's stuck in.

"Hyung,... I've been so worried about you though." I whisper in disbelief, not wanting to believe what he's saying and the mild coldness in his voice.

"You shouldn't be here, Jungkook. Clearly, you should be in some other room laying down and resting. Besides, I don't need you here. I don't need people who don't really care to be around me. Just leave." He mutters bitterly, crushing my heart to pieces.

"Yoongi,... you don't mean that." I murmur, more tears falling than before. He scoffs quietly though, rolling his eyes.

"Have I said shit that I don't mean before to you, Jungkook? Leave. Get the hell out of here." Yoongi snaps, glaring up at me. However, much to my own surprise, I find myself growing more angry rather than having the urge to sob like I would've expected.

"Yes, actually. You have said shit you didn't mean before. Like the fact that you told me time and time again that you were fine. That you were perfectly okay. That you didn't need any help. That everything was going fine. That you didn't need me worrying about you. That you didn't want me around you. So yes, Yoongi. You have said shit you didn't mean before. And don't think I missed that suicide note that you wrote specifically for me either, Yoongi." I challenge in return, tears still falling but no longer a concern at the moment. His eyes widen as his lips form a tiny natural pout, surprise taking over his features at my response.

"Jungkookie,..." He whispers barely audible as he looks up at me.

"I read that note, hyung. I saw what the clipboard outside your room with your symptoms said. You can't lie to me or push me away anymore, Yoongi." I tell him softly. He frowns at this, giving me a small glare before looking away.

"I was the one who was always asking if you were okay, Yoongi. The one who was constantly checking on you. The one always trying to help you. Especially these last six months. I was the only one in the house waiting up for you every single night for the last two months when you started coming home later than the rest of us, waiting to hear that you would get home safely. I was the one watching your very last vlive, Yoongi. The one who found you gone in the house. The one who jumped into the freezing water with you that night to pull you out of there. The one who constantly lost sleep worrying if you were really okay and if I'd done something wrong. I'm the one who's been haunted since I got you to the hospital of the memories of you jumping, of your body crashing into the water. I'm in this damn hospital with you because I passed out after trying to drink once I read your note. You can't tell me that I never cared, Yoongi. You can lie to yourself all you want, but we both know I've always cared. We both know now that you have feelings for me. And I love you too."

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